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"What?" Luca asked.

"Have you ever heard of the fountain of youth?" She asked, he nodded.

"Yeah, is that where it leads?" 

"Well, this is supposed to be like that. But not quite the same. I think it's more like a healing if I remember right. Pa, you used to tell me the story all the time." Aviana and everyone turned to James.

"You mean?" He pointed to the map and Aviana nodded.

"Even if it would help Luca and was real, we shouldn't go. Let's change the conversation." James sat back down. Luca followed his movements.

"Why do you everything he tells you to do?" Aviana slightly raised her voice to Luca.

"If he says not to, then let's not. I don't want to get worse, and I don't want to get better by doing something stupid." Luca didn't look up to her, instead he turned his head to Adonis.

"Can you take me to work?" Adonis nodded unsure.

"Thank you, I'll be in my room." Luca left. Aviana sighed and sat down.

"What was that?" James asked, his eyebrow raised.

"I'm tired of the way he always listens to you without thinking." 

"It's called trust, he trusts me. I did raise him for the better part of his life, he feels inclined to repay me. He's a good kid, I don't want to see him die anymore than you do Avi. But he needs to know that there are lines and when you cross them, there are consequences." James stood up and left to go start on work.

"I need to drop off Lee and Luca. See you later Avaina." Adonis got up and went to his room.

"I'll talk to you when I get home, if I'm up to it." Lee smiled and left. Aviana sighed and continued to eat.


I was in my room, finishing up some work. Sitting on my bed with my laptop in my lap. That was until I felt the bed go down behind me. I stopped typing and froze. I could hear them, or rather her, the woman who's been wanting me dead from the moment she met me. 

"Hello, Luca." She ran her fingers through my hair. Slowly until she stopped at my hairline and then grabbed my hair forcing me to lean back to her.

"You should've died, stubborn are we?" She laughed, her voice slightly echoed. It was mesmerizing, in a weird way. 

"I am to, and you know something? I don't like it when things don't die when they need to." She held my hair tighter and forced me to walk. We ended up at my window, I couldn't see her but I felt her move to my side and lean in to my ear.

"You don't want this pain to continue, do you?" Her voice turned sweet, which was more enticing.

"You don't want your friends to get hurt do you?" She continued to speak.

"No, I don't." I replied, my mind no longer mine.

"Good." I could hear her smile, then I felt her lick my ear. Her hand came up to the back of my neck and held onto it. Her long fingernails wrapped to the front of my throat.

"Never before, and never after. Never see and never hear. Touch only, feel only. The things which you couldn't before, when you fly." She laughed. I started to unlock to window and open it. I wanted to stop deep down but something was telling me that it would be fine. I closed my eyes, and she whispered.

"When I fly, I soar. I dive, when I don't I fall. When you catch me, I live." I repeated her words she whispered just a few seconds before. And jumped, I could hear her laugh. The wind and cold rushing my body. I didn't stop until she caught me. She set me down, I couldn't see her still but I wanted to for some reason.

"Remember this Luca Pilieo Rillin, when you die, it will not be by my hands. But I will be there." She came closer and hugged me.

"I'll wait for you, like I always have." She let go and left. I felt all my energy leave me and I fell to the ground. No one saw me jump and land safely. I felt relieved but at the same time horrified. When will I be free from her? I know she's waiting for me, she always has and always will be.

I sighed and hit the back of my head against the ground, not hard but just a tap. I closed my eyes, the sun wasn't on this side of the building but I could feel it. I got up after a few seconds on the ground and went back up. 

I took the stairs and opened to door to see if anyone was in the living room, no one was so I went in and went to my room. Shortly after Adonis came and he took me to work. The whole day I couldn't think or concentrate. I didn't get much done and was absent from reality. I kept staring at a wall or my desk and that would happen until my secretary would come in and snap me out of it.

I walked home, I went straight to my room. And laid down, half of me expected her  to come but the other hoped she wouldn't, when Aviana walked into the room I didn't even notice.

"Luca, I'm sorry for this morning. I know you trust Pa but I just want you to be more you. I'm sorry." I had my back to her, she sighed and left after not getting a reply. I fell asleep shortly after. 

My dream was about her, I felt her not being harsh and kind even. Her smile, she long brown hair in the sunlight and Aviana, and I running around in some tall flowers until a man came up to us. Her smile went away and she turned to me, I felt her coldness. She harshly grabbed Aviana's arm and dragged her along. They went with that man, I don't know who he was but he wasn't good. 

She felt human for a second, but I should've known that it was only a dream. A trick, the worst kind. And for what it's worth, I saw through it. But next time will I?

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