Dreams, And Promises

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He agreed and they went on their way, they left around eight so they had a lot of options.

"So, are you ready to tell me what's going on in your head?" Aviana asked, she was walking by his side.

"Yeah, but not right now. It'll ruin the mood." He joked but she wasn't amused, so she hit him.

"No, tell me now." He sighed and nodded.

"I have seen your mother here. I told her off but she's a stubborn one, she won't listen when I tell her things. I know it might seem unusual but she talks to me a lot, I think she's lonely. I want to stop hearing her, for one moment. I want to hear something like music and not a dead person." Luca laughed a bit but kept talking.

"To be honest, I'm scared of the things she can do. If she could hurt Mr. Moore that's a huge game changer. Something that would be bad.I want to move in soon to start the plan, it would be smarter if I did so. I think she found out where I live." He was about to take another step when Aviana stopped him.

"And you only now think to tell me this? Are you dumb?" She still was grabbing Luca's sleeve.

"Yeah I am. But that doesn't matter. I'm not going to let Adonis, James or you die. I don't mind her going after me, but you guys have things to live for. Adonis is still young and you are to." He smiled to her, she chuckled.

"You sound like an old dude. You're only a few years older." She hit his shoulder softly and walked ahead.

They had dinner and came back, Luca took her home. After, he was walking out of a building when he walked into an old acquaintance.

"Hello." He smiled to Luca, he was not much older if older and had very blond hair. He also wore a suit and dress shoes. But he had a coat on.

"Nice to see you again, Luca." Luca walked past him. He laughed and grabbed Luca's arm.

"I don't like being ignored." He turned to Luca, his smile gone.

"I don't like being grabbed." Luca pulled his arm back and left. The man smiled and turned around, he walked into the building.

Luca took quiet steps into his house, once he closed the door behind him, he started to take louder ones. He didn't want to make too much noise but wanted to stop hearing the noises that filled the air. Noise that normal humans can't hear. He took off his jacket and sat on his couch, he took out his phone from his pocket and called a number.

"Yeah, I want my work sent to my laptop. I'll finish it by morning, make sure to have lots of coffee on my desk tomorrow. Sorry for bothering you, yeah, goodnight." He hung up and opened his laptop and started to work again. The next morning he got up an hour before work and got ready. He walked to work and started to work again. Until a knock came from his door.

"Come in." He raised his voice to be heard.

"Adonis has come to see you sir." Luca took up to her and nodded. She nodded back and left, Luca continued to work and Adonis came into his office.

"I keep forgetting how cool it is that you have your own company!" Adonis walked in and sat down in the seat in front of Luca's desk.

"Yeah." Luca spoke but was still working, his mind not focused on Adonis.

"Hey, Luca? Are you busy, I could come back later?" He pointed to the door with his thumb and had an uneasy look on his face.

"No. You're fine. Just wait a bit." Luca mumbled, and a few minutes he finished.

"Yes?" Luca looked up to Adonis.

"I was wondering, is this what you wanted to do when you grew up?" Adonis looked down.

"Not at all," Adonis looked up. "I wanted to become a doctor, one that would help people. My father was into this type of business, so I got into it after he died. I was all I knew how to do and it would've been more money to go to school and I didn't want to do that to James. Why do you ask?" Luca folded his arms.

"Well, I have always told my father that I wanted to become a doctor to, but now that he's gone... I don't know about it anymore." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Wanna hear something?" Luca asked and sat straight in his chair, Adonis nodded.

"I'm amazing at reading people, like really good but when it comes to Aviana and James I have no clue. I think it has something to do with the fact that I care about how they think of me. I don't wanna know ahead. I think you have the same thing, you wanted to please him. But what do you really want to do? I'm not your father and I will never be but that doesn't mean I don't care." Luca smiled.

"I have no idea, I've never thought about it. My only goal in life was to be a doctor." Adonis frowned.

"Well then, how about I send you to a different school and you can see what you want to do? That way you can find yourself and get a job you love, unlike me." Luca smiled to him.

He may have not been Adonis's father but at that moment it felt like it for Adonis. He smiled back and nodded.

"But first, you're not going to like this but...."


They got home, Adonis went to his room. He looked upset but not as much as Luca thought he would be. 

"What's wrong with him?" Aviana asked Luca who just stood by her.

"I asked something of him, he agreed but he isn't happy. Aviana, could you be a dear and leave for the night?" The look Luca gave her, made her nod without asking why. She finished doing the dishes and was wiping her hands. She grabbed her car keys and left.

"Whatever your going to to do, Luca be careful. I don't want to lose you and Adonis." Aviana smiled and kissed his forehead.

She walked into the elevator. When the doors closed Luca whispered something.

"No promises." He looked down, he didn't know what he was about to do, but he knew one thing. It had to be done.

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