I Am Lee, Fear Me

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"What's your name?" James asked, his hand out, she took it.

"Lee, Lee Ino. Nice to meet you." She smiled, her blond hair slightly in her face. 

"Well, Luca was trying to get rid of a different curse of a friend. We need to get him to do some stuff before taking care of Luca.  Adonis, the friend needs to go somewhere." James smiled.

"Okay, but why?" She stood up and grabbed her coat.

"I'll explain on the car ride over. I assume that your shift just ended?" He stood up as well.

"Yeah. You driving or cab?" She grabbed her purse.

"Cab, why do you have your stuff here?" He asked and opened the door.

"I like to be prepared. Ok, well I had to watch over a friends shift. It just ended, I was on my way out the door when she asked me to cover for her. Having nothing else to do I agreed." She explained while walking. 

"I see, well either way it's better than having to wait. You a new nurse?" James asked as he held a cab.

"Yes, just finished my studies. I'm still young, about Mr. Piloe's age actually." She smiled to him.

"Oh! That's lovely now isn't it?" James excitedly said and smiled.

"I have a question though, why follow a total stranger?" He turned to her, now more serious. She smirked. A cab pulled in front of them, and they got in. Lee going in first. 

"Because, the hospital has security cameras and there about five different security cameras out of the hospital. We stood in view of them, if you were to do anything it would show. I also have a taser in my bag. I know martial arts and could have you on the ground in fewer than five seconds." She smiled to him, he cleared his throat.

"Remind me not to piss you off, Lee." She chuckled.

"So, this place he has to go to?" James cleared his throat and started to tell her everything.

When they arrived, Aviana was waiting in the lobby.

"Is he okay? Who is she?" Aviana ran up to them and then saw her.

"I'm Lee, I'll be helping you." She smiled, Aviana glared at her.

"I only trust you at the hospital. You are not a friend nor anything of the the sort. James, why is she here?" Aviana was now glaring at her father.

"I trust her, let's talk up in the house." He smiled and grabbed Aviana's hand. She pulled away and stormed up the stairs, not wanting to ride the elevator with Lee.

"Stubborn one, that girl." James chuckled nervously and led Lee to the elevator.

When the door opened, Aviana was waiting on the couch.

"You're up here fast." James said surprised and sat by her.

"Please have a seat Lee." James pointed to the couch, she nodded and walked over.

"So why are you here?" Aviana crossed her arms.

"I'm here to help. I will be going abroad for a couple of days with Adonis. You will stay, if you want." Lee raised her eyebrow, her tone calm and mocking in a way to Aviana.

"I will go if I choose!" Aviana pointed to her angrily.

"I see." Lee leaned back in her chair.

"You see what?" Aviana spat out.

"You like Luca." Aviana's mouth dropped open.

"Pa!" Aviana turned to James.

"I didn't tell her!" He raised his hands in self defense.

"You ran to your father worried, he just came back from the hospital where Luca is. I know you two aren't together and you aren't siblings. You automatically hated me, you don't like that fact that a girl is taking care of Luca and is coming over here. You think he might fall for me and so you are pushing me away to get rid of the chance. Or you just have trust issues." She smiled and leaned back.

"You bitch!" Aviana tried to pounce on Lee but James stopped her.

"Aviana! Stop, Lee you aren't helping. I am trusting you with family matters, please don't make me regret that." Aviana heard  the tone he used, she sat down and shut her mouth. James is a scary man when mad or serious. 

"Good, now let's talk terms." He sat down again as well.

"I won't be paid, I just want to make sure that, that thing is gone from the hospital. I became a nurse to help people live, not watch them die and do nothing. Luca is a good guy, I want to help in anyway I can." 

"I want her to live below us, not with. We only have one free room and it's Luca's. I would rather her live below us." Aviana folded her arms again.

"I'm fine with just staying at my own place." 

"No, It's important that you stay here. Non negotiable, I can pay for rent for your place until you get back or you can just move in completely. I will have a maid come by and clean your house on a daily basis." Lee nodded and looked down for a moment.

"I hate to ask this but please pay rent. I have a flatmate, I'm pretty sure she would kill me if I stopped paying rent and left. No need for the maid though, she would be kicked out. I would like my stuff sent for, I'll take the floor below. But remember, I can't be gone long from work." She stood up.

"I'll see myself out, I'm sure that I can find my room easily." She smiled to Aviana and walked out.

"What the hell?" Aviana stood up and screamed.

"We need more people, Avi. We need to find someone who will help and will make up for the person we lost. She is not replacing him, only filling in his spot until he comes back and then she will have her own spot. Plus she works in the hospital! This is the best thing we can do for Luca." Aviana's eyes watered.

"You would have never done this to Luca, or to me in the past! What happened to you?" She turned away, she walked to her room. James sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Why can't you see that it isn't me who's changed?" He mumbled to himself and left. 

Luca was shaking and foaming out the mouth. His eyes rolled back, they had tied him down to stop the movements but it didn't help. They drugged him but it did little to any good.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" One of his doctors yelled, he backed up a bit. He had never seen anything like this before and had no idea how to help Luca.

"Call Lee!" He turned to another nurse in the room.

"Got it." He started to dial.

"Lee! Get your ass over here! Pilieo is going crazy!" 


James walked into Lee's new small apartment.

"We have to go, now!" Lee grabbed James's arm and pulled him to the elevator. She pressed the button and waited for the doors to open in the lobby.

"What's going on? Lee!" James stopped her.

"Luca! Somethings wrong with Luca!" She yelled and again started to run out the doors but she wasn't as fast as James.

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