Where it Started- Ch. 1

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"Mom! Mom! Wake up!" The green haired boy shouted with excitement.

"Why are you up so early?" The woman with slightly darker green hair rubbed her eyes. She proceeded to giggle while setting her son in her lap. She looked at the young boy, who had freckles along his cheeks and fluffy forest green hair to match his emerald eyes.

"We're going to the doctor to see what my quirk is!" The boy explained. His mother beamed at her son's behavior.

"You're really excited, huh Izuku?" The woman remarked. Izuku nodded his head eagerly and stared to pull on his mother's hand. "Come on! We have to get ready!" exclaimed the bright-eyed boy. The two got ready and ate their breakfast. Once breakfast was finished, Izuku ran to the door, grabbing his red shoes as fast as he could. The green haired woman grabbed the keys off of the counter, while the boy ran to grab his All Might figure.

Izuku ran back to his mom with the brightest smile on his face. "You ready to go Izuku?" The woman asked. "Yes yes yes!" Izuku exclaimed. The two headed into the car and made their way to the doctor.

Izuku had completed many tests in order to see what his quirk could be. After patiently waiting for the results of the test, the doctor walked in.

"Could I speak to Izuku for a moment please?" The doctor asked the green haired woman. Inko was a bit hesitant but agreed. The doctor ushered the green haired boy to another room and explained, "I don't quite know how to explain this but you have to listen, Izuku. You have very powerful quirks-"

He was cut off by Izuku beaming happily, talking about what quirk he could have. The doctor lightly shook the greenette's shoulder and explained, "Izuku, listen. You can't use them. No one can know, not even your mother. If you let her or anyone know, they could be in danger. Some very bad people might try to take you away from your mom if you tell her, okay?"

Izuku's smile disappeared, his vision becoming blurry from the tears about to spill. He understood the warning, but thought of his dream of being a hero. Was it really gone? He knew he couldn't risk his mother dying so maybe it was best no one knew his secret. How would his mother react? Would she be disappointed? But...he would have to stay strong, for his mother's sake.

"W-What...are my quirks?" Izuku managed to choke out. The doctor explained them and ended with, "...I'm going to list you as quirkless so no one can hurt you, alright?" The greenette nodded sadly as he stared at the floor.

The two exited the room after the doctor grabbed a fake x-ray for a quirkless person. Izuku sat next to his mother and laid his head on her arm, waiting for the doctor to tell her the news. Once they were done talking, he felt his mother pick him up so he clung onto the back of her shirt as they left the office.

The ride home was silent and when they returned to the house it was just as bad. Inko knew her son's dreams were crushed; she felt relieved at the same time since he wouldn't take away this quirkless child from her.


Izuku groggily sat up, stretching out his arms as he mentally prepared himself for the day ahead. It had been two years since he was announced 'quirkless'. Turns out, his so-called 'friend' didn't take that too well. He was bullied till he was black and blue, something he was slightly used to now. Maybe he would have friends if he could use the power he had. Maybe his mom wouldn't act so cold towards him if he wasn't announced quirkless. He missed the way she used to act towards him, all loving and caring. Maybe it would be different if he had another quirk.

Maybe then he would have a purpose...

The greenette shook his head to keep away those bad thoughts. He couldn't blame his mother for acting the way she did, he knew she worked hard for them to have their basic needs met. Izuku went to take a shower but looked in the mirror. He noticed that his back was all red and at times it would hurt. He knew that it wasn't normal, but he didn't want to worry his mom or waste money on a doctors visit. Though, today he noticed two small lumps on his back. He panicked a little, but assured himself that they would go away eventually...or so he thought.

The Secret(Rewrite)- DekubowlWhere stories live. Discover now