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Lez go?

3rd Person POV:

On a quiet night in the city that never sleeps we come across a 7/11. Inside are six people. The cashier, four customers oh and the guy holding a gun to the cashiers face.

Robber: Do as I say and no one has to get hurt!

His face is covered by a ski mask. He wears a black hoodie to hide his arms of any identifying marks, jeans and some running shoes.

Cashier: Okay okay!

The robber turns to face the people in the store. Moments ago he shot the ceiling and yelled at them to get on the ground.

Robber: Good good, no one needs to get hurt being a hero today.

Once the cashier finishes withdrawing the money from the register he's then instructed to put it in a bag. The robber collects the bag and runs out.

As soon as he steps out of the shop he's yanked into the air as a 'thwip' sound fills the air. The robber is brought face to face with the new to the scene Spider-Man.

 The robber is brought face to face with the new to the scene Spider-Man

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Y/N: Ya know I think robbing convenience stores isn't exactly legal.

Before the robber has a chance to respond the newly anointed Spider-Man fires a web onto his mouth. He then tosses him up into the air before webbing him to a wall.

Y/N: And sticky note time!

He pulls out a wad of stick notes from the bag on his shoulder. Next to come out is a black sharpie.

Y/N: Hmm...dear boys in blue caught this guy for you love Spider-Man.

He nods to himself before attaching the note to the robbers forehead.

Y/N: Sit tight you should be off to see Big Bubba in a bit.

But as Spider-Man prepares to make his exit the walls light up with blue and red. The police arrived much faster than he had expected. And there were quite a few.

Police: Spider-Man hands in the air!

Y/N's POV:

Record Scratch.

Yup that's me, I bet your wondering how I got here? Well I'll tell ya.

-2 weeks ago-

I sit in the middle row of bus seats by myself. Today we're taking a class trip down to OSCORP for a tour of sorts.

I yawn tiredly as I had spent all of last night tossing and turning in anticipation. This was a dream come true for me.

Seeing as how anything S.T.E.M related was my strong suit, I saw this trip as a chance to see it applied in the real world.

I find myself zoned out for a moment with my earbuds in my ears. I'm brought back to reality by my buddy Jai.

Jai: Hey quit spacing out man!

I feel his hand on my shoulder as he shakes me around a bit.

Y/N: Sorry sorry I didn't get much sleep last night.

Jai has been my friend since kindergarten. I remember the day we met I had tripped on the playground and he helped me up. I noticed his t-rex shirt and he noticed mine. From then on we were best friends. While he was the more social one of us two I was naturally shyer around people I didn't know too well.

Jai: Yeah I figured as much. But hey who knows? Maybe you'll get some internship if you talk to the right person while we're there?

I shake my head before shooting him a grin.

Y/N: Don't go getting my hopes up man.

I feel the bus start to move. Jai and I go on to talk throughout the rest of the bus ride. It's not long until we're outside our destination.

Getting off the bus feels like a blur. So does the walk inside OSCORP. It's all so surreal to step into such a place.

We get the tour started. I can't help but feel like a kid in a candy shop as I stare at practically every state of the art piece of technology.

I get so enveloped in my own head that I don't even realize that I'm alone. Panic sets in as I look around to see if I can spot my class.

Y/N: Okay L/N your fine...I mean how hard can it be to find a group of 30 something kids?

It proved to be impossible. Somehow some way I ended up in front of several display cases housing spiders.

I glance at the labels of each spider. They have some rather...unique titles.

Y/N: Neuro spider, suppressive spider, hidden spider...hunting spider?

But as I look at the last case containing an 'advanced spider' I hear a loud cough behind me.

I spin on the heels of my feet to meet a pair of green eyes staring back at me. Of course it'd be her.

Felicia: My my my is Y/N L/N ditching his class? What a deviant.

Felicia Hardy, I would say we are friends but it's weird. She and I used to be good friends in elementary and middle school, but then she changed in highschool.

She dyed her hair this silver color, started wearing ripped jeans, broke dress code for the fun of it. Overall she's had this rebellious streak since freshman year.

Due to the change we don't really talk much anymore. But we at least nod our heads at eachother in the hallway. Guess we just kinda drifted apart.

Y/N: No no no I'm just lost. I have zero clue where the rest of the class is.

Felicia: Dude they're down at the lobby searching for you. C'mon we can say i found you when we both exited the bathroom.

Y/N: Wait your ditching?

Felicia: I'm not a nerd sweet naive Y/N.

She turns to start walking away. And that's when I felt the prick that would alter my life forever.

I glance down at my hand and notice a spider on it. I flick it off of me quickly since it bit.

Y/N: Goddamn spiders.


Long story short that spider bite gave me crazy powers. I can stick to walls, hear and see better, I have this weird sixth sense that keeps me out of danger oh and the kicker?

Y/N: Sorry officers but it is a school night so I should get a move on.

I smirk behind my mask as I disappear right in front of them.

Y/N: Oh yeah I can turn invisible.

3rd Person POV:

And thus the webbed wonder escapes once again. He swings through the night.

Eventually he reaches his stop. An apart complex of to which he resides in. He lives alone with his aunt May.

He reaches his room and quietly opens the door. Another successful night for the young hero.

Aaaand scene

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