• Secret Relationship (FTO) •

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Ship(s) - Brandon x Lucas
Suggested by - No one, i just thought of this out of nowhere


Brandon's POV
I walked in the guild hall along with my brother, Ritchie as every guild member stayed silent, i looked at Lucas who was sitting in the corner reading a book as i smiled at him and he smiled back, i noticed in the corner of my eyes the others were looking at us confused and you may be wondering what is happening? well today is the day me and Lucas are going to give off obvious hints we're dating and i swear if nobody realizes that we are, then man.. these are guys are absolute idiots.. no offense to Ritchie by the way

Me and Ritchie walked towards our offices doing some paperwork

Lucas's POV
Once they were gone all the attention was on me "Uhh.. what?.." i asked uncomfortable about them staring at me "What was that about?"Mario asked with one of his eyebrow raised "What was what?" "You and Brandon! what was that smiling thing about?"Kit asked poking her head behind the table since she was sitting on the ground with Tapio

"Hm? that? its just a welcoming smile?" they gave me a suspicious look but shrugged if off going back into what they were doing

3rd Person POV
The day goes on with both Lucas and Brandon giving more and more obvious hints until it was almost getting dark, both of them were getting bored since nobody still hasn't figured it out so they gave a very obvious hint

Brandon's POV
I walked out of my office to be met by water going around me, the other's looked at me and the water around as everybody was confused except me, the water trailed to the other side of the guild hall where Lucas was sitting with a cup and the water got in the cup as he drank it, i looked at him and air circled around him as i walked away leaving the others confused and Lucas smiling

Lucas's POV
"Hey Raindrop! what was that?"David asked who was sitting next to Mario as the others nodded looking for an answer, i looked over at Ritchie who was honestly looking amused before smirking, wait.. did he get the hints? "Hey Raindrop im talking to you!" i snapped out of my trance and looked over at David "What?" "Don't give me a 'what' answer, i need actual answers! what's with both of you and Brandon sending each other smiles and everything? you two are so soft to each other!"

"Well maybe because you guys are being oblivious to the hints they're giving off?"Ritchie said as everybody's attention snapped to him "What hints?" Kit asked, Ritchie looked over at me and i nodded before he goes to look at them "That both of them are dating"he answered simply as the others looked shocked before some of they're faces go to amused, confused and smirking and the one who's probably smirking is Kit.. yeah she's going to go and fangirl over this now..

"What?!"Bjorn, Inmo and David asked/yelled at the same time having shocked faces, Brandon walked over to us "So im guessing you guys told them?"me and Ritchie nodded as we looked over to see our guild mates still frozen in shock before Kit let out a squeal "I KNEW YOU TWO WERE PERFECT TOGETHER!!" she fangirling over how cute both of us are which mostly caused me and Brandon to blush madly while Ritchie is smirking agreeing with everything Kit says

The others were still frozen as four of us who were out of the trance just shrugged "And David's mouth finally shut upped!"I said with a smirk as they were out of they're frozen trance and looked at us "EXCUSE ME?!"David asked/yelled as i smirked and everybody laughed

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