• What if.. (Origins) •

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I really don't know why my brain has many ideas at night where i have to sleep..(This part was written yesterday night) anyways! this is what happens when every versions(Not really all of them) are in the same room together, and yes i am still worried for the mamma raindrop (FTO Lucas) but i gotta put those worries aside and let my mind make fanfics-


FTO Michael:*The one who thinks he escapes* AHA! I have shadowed travelled- *Gets teleported back*... DAMMIT!
SNO Michael:*The one who's chill* Atleast im not with the idiots then im happy here
OoO/OZ Michael:*The ones who rather die*
OoO Michael:I was already happy as a ghost-
OZ Michael:Where's the knives?
100BD Michael:*The only one who's kinda happy and rambles about some stuff*


FTO Ritchie:*The one who's confused* Where am i?..
FTO Biblico(Is that Ritchie's character from Devil's Tounge or?.. I don't remember-):*The other confused one* WHERE AM I?!
OoO Ritchie/OZ Ritchie:*Just wants to go back to the dead*This is why i'd rather die-
SNO Rian:*The one who escapes by killing himself*
OoO S2 Riccaro/100BD Ritchie:*The only ones who are happy* This is fun!!


FTO Lo'pho/SNO Xylo:*The ones who argues* CATS/DOGS ARE WAY BETTER!!
OoO Xylo:*The one who hits his head on the wall in hopes that soon enough he'll be free*LET ME OUT-
OZ Xylo/SCP Xylo:*The ones who doesn't care and does they're normal stuff*


OoO Kay and OZ Kay:*The ones who doesn't care and just talk about stuff*
FTO Kay:*The one who throws cookies everywhere*COOKIE'S FOR EVERYBODY!
Scp Kay:*The one who gives everybody in the room baklava* BAKLAVA'S FOR EVERYBODY!
SNO Rei:*The one who's just done with her life*Im surrounded by morons..


OoO Jakey/SNO Jackson/OZ Jonah/Justin:*The ones who brags about fashion*Im more fabulous than you!
OoO S2 Jakey/River:*The one who's in a corner sharpening his knife- wait what?-*
FTO Jakey:*The one who's in a corner talking to Oliver and is the one who's slowly going insane*


SNO Mario:*The one who panics* Xylo might not follow the rules!!
FTO Mario/OoO Mario:*The chill ones*
OoO Discharge:*The one who doesn't care if somebody commited murder*
OZ Mario/SCP Mario:*The ones who's confused*Why am i here?-


FTO Jupiter(He's here because- well- I don't know why is he here?-):*The one who annoys the crap out of FTO Brandon*
FTO Brandon:*The one who's loosing his patience* Can't kill.. Can't kill...
OoO E.Brandeen:*The one who just wants to be with his boyfriend*I just wanted to be with Rose..
OoO Brandeen:*The other one who already misses his boyfriend*I miss Daveed already- (Im not a Jadeen shipper sooo..)
OZ Leo/Brandon:*The one that's happy to be away from his crazy boyfriends* Im finally out!-
OoO S2 Lychee:*The one who's confused* What is happening?..
SNO Brandon:*The one who tries many times to escape to just get tofee or check if Lucas is getting hurt or flirted on*LET ME GET MY TOFEE AND LET ME CHECK ON LUCAS OR I'LL BREAK YOUR NECK!-


FTO David/FTO Zaine:*The ones who fights 24/7*
FTO David:He's not your pet!
FTO Zaine:He is!
OoO Daveed/OoO S2 Davis:*The sassy ones*
OZ David/SNO David:*The ones who's annoyed*CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP?!


FTO Lucas:*The one who bangs his head on the wall trying to get out*LET ME OUT OF THIS HELLHOLE!-
FTO Galrin:*The one who regrets they're life decisions*I regret ever breaking that seal..
OZ Lucas:*The one who's planning to shoot everybody*Kill.. Kill.. Kill..
SNO Lucas:*The one who calms OZ Lucas*Calm down alright? there is no need to kill anybody!
OoO Cal:*The one who's in a corner trying to get away from everybody*LET ME OUT!


OoO Bri:*The one who's confused* Where am i?..
OoO Tainted/FTO Bri:*The ones who's done with they're life*Im surrounded by idiots..
SNO Bri/100BD Bri:*The vampire best friends*
OZ Bri:*The one who escapes wait- HOW THE HECK DID SHE ESCAPE?!-*


SNO Seek:*The one in a corner annoyed by everyone*I hate this..
OZ Seek/OoO S1 Seek:*The only responsible ones that stops the others from going insane*
FTO S4 Seek/FTO S5 Seek:*The ones who's confused by each other*WHY ARE WE FROM THE SAME DEMENSION?!
OoO S2 Seek:*The one who's going insane in a corner*


SNO Colin:*The one who escapes by flying out of a window*
OoO S1 Colin/OoO S2 Colin:*The ones that are normal and has a normal conversation with one another*
FTO Colin/OZ Colin:*The two best friends*


OZ Austin/100BD Austin:*The responsible ones but doesn't care if something happens*
FTO Silver/Austin:*The one in a corner trying to hide from everybody even if he can just escape but he still hasn't done it*
OoO S1 Austin/OoO S2 Austin:*The two best friends that sees each other as brothers*
SNO Austin:*The one in a corner thinking of killing everybody in the room*


OoO Bryan:*The sassy one that brags*
OoO Rose:*The one who just wants to see his boyfriend*Brandeen please get me away from my crazy counterparts-
SNO Bryan:*The innocent one who's sleeping in a corner*
FTO Bryan/OZ Bryan:*The ones who wants to murder them but couldn't*
Scp Bryan:*The one who already escaped*

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