• The Dangerous Duo (FTO) •

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Anybody wondering what chaos happens when Bryan and Ritchie are together? then here you go!

Everybody at the training grounds were all on the ground or sitting while breathing heavily except for Bryan, Lo'pho, Brandon and Ritchie "Dodge the Lighting Bolt wasn't that bad"Bryan shrugged as everybody who was on the ground looked towards him "WHAT?!"They all said in unison "I think i found my new best friend that likes Dodge the Lighting Bolt guys!"Ritchie said excited as everybody looked towards him "Well, you guys can do whatever just please don't cause too much chaos"Brandon said walking over to the others and giving them water

Bryan and Ritchie looked towards each other before whispering something to each other's ears which kinda concerned the others from they're evil giggling and the grins on they're faces

David has stripped again and Inmo had blown up a part of the guild and since the Protectors were still there Bryan and Ritchie had devilish grins going with they're plan "Soo.. we have a new game set up!"The ones who didn't wanna be apart of it backed up

"The new game will be Dodge the Fireball and Lighting Bolt!"David now got scared since he was an Ice Devil Slayer and fire can just melt him off! Inmo already knew he was going to be in alot of pain after the game so he got himself ready

The game had started and well.. lets just say David had already gotten injured from a fireball and Inmo was doing slightly good except for his tail almost getting burned off, the game got more intensed as Bryan and Ritchie had sent up some flares of fire and electricity towards them which the others winced at as they get slight burnt marks and got zapped

Once the game ended it left both Inmo and David passed out on the ground with burnt marks and many injuries "I think both of you have a problem with seeing people suffer"Lo'pho said walking over to David and Inmo having them in the circle of life "No we don't!"Bryan said "After the Protectors Guild are finally going back to they're guild, visits from Bryan with you,Ritchie are going to not be allowed"Brandon said "But come on! i finally found a best friend who likes dodge the lighting bolt as me!"Ritchie whined "No buts, both of you are way too dangerous to be together in the same place" Ritchie and Bryan sighed frustration

Once they got back in they're own guild, Divinus Magia and The Protectors still refuse to get Ritchie and Bryan to meet up knowing how much chaos they'll done if they meet up again and oh if your wondering if both David and Inmo passing out injured were the reasons they were not allowed to meet up then your wrong, The Divinus Magia building kinda got destroyed a little bit well it did have a big hole in the roof from Bryan's fireball and Ritchie's lighting bolt getting mixed up which had led up to a very big power mix that caused the hole in the roof so yeah, these two are known as the Dangerous Duo in both Divinus Magia and The Protectors

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