• Overprotective Parents (FTO) •

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Series:FairyTail Origins
Warning:Death Threats(Nobody's going to die)
Requested by: springlockfnaf
Everybody just loves Lucas that all the requests i got has Lucas in it and i am not even going to judge since i only watch Divinus Magia and The Protectors to not even know what's unfolding in the other guilds- also Plant will be non-binary, I know David calls Plant his son but at some point many people call Plant his daughter so i don't really know

3rd Person POV
In the middle of the night a guy with a black/dark purple hood named Indolas slowly walked towards a wooden house which belongs to Lucas, he walked in to be met by Plant playing with some toys and Lucas sleeping, His plan was to take Lucas and go so he walked towards Lucas slowly trying not to interrupt the Raindrop's sleep and try not to get the Plant's attention

As he was about to pick up Lucas he got bit on the shoulder by Plant making him wince, he backed away slowly giving the Plant a glare as Plant looked at him angry, Lucas was still sleeping so that was good, He tried to pick Lucas up again but Plant bit him again not letting go, Indolas winced as he shook the shoulder that was being bit and soon enough Plant was thrown across the wall hitting they're head which caused Plant's head to bleed and a big loud bang to be heard

Indolas ran outside as Lucas woke up "Plant?.. Was that-.."His words got cut off seeing Plant passed out with some blood gushing out of they're hair, Lucas rushed towards Plant "Plant?!"He looked around before running towards a cabinet which had a first aid kit, He ran towards Plant patching up the wounds

He checks Plant's blood to see that he is missing alot blood since they were in a pool of blood and Plant was small so they were missing alot of blood from that big hit, Lucas took a deep breath trying to calm himself down "Water make - Blood.."He whispered a spell that he only used when needed, It was spell he just had learn when they were in the book, He wasn't very good at it but he slightly got better at it

A water like line went from Lucas to Plant, Once it was done Lucas picked Plant towards they're bed before looking out the window to see the sunrise, He looked around for any case of the person that hurt Plant to see nothing "That person will pay.."He growled, A knock was heard on the door as he walked towards the door slowly opening it up to see David "Hey! So its my time to play with Plant"David grinned

"Plant is not going to play outside today, They got attacked by i don't know who.."Lucas mumbled which David heard causing his eyes to widen "Who hurt Plant?!"He yelled "I don't know, it was just a few minutes ago, I was sleeping before i heard a loud bang on the wall to see Plant bleeding out.. They almost died.."Lucas said "Are they.. Dead?.."David asked his voice lowering down

Lucas shook his head "No, they're getting cured.. They did lost a lot of blood which almost killed them luckily i used my magic.." "Im coming in to see my son!"David gently pushed Lucas out of the way to see Plant resting "Oh thank goodness my son is alright!"David said in relief as Lucas nodded closing the door "I still don't know who would hurt Plant.. Plant did nothing.."Lucas mumbled "Well.. Did you felt a precense of somebody in the room when you were sleeping?"David asked looking towards Lucas looking at Plant every now and then

"Well.. I did.. It was infront of me, I heard somebody wince and i also felt something.. trying to pick me up?.."The last sentence was a question that Lucas didn't know the answer for "Trying to pick you up?.. so.. Somebody was trying to kidnapped you?.."David said in a questionable tone as Lucas nodded "That's.. Weird.."David mumbled as Lucas nodded humming in agreement

"P..Plant?.."They heard a voice say as they immediately rush towards Plant "Plant! Your alive!"David smiled in relief that his son was safe "Hunny.. Are you alright?"Lucas asked "Plant.. Plant.."Plant stuck they're arms out which means they want to get carried, Lucas brought him up as Plant sat at his shoulder "So.. Plant did you see anybody?.."David asked as Plant stayed silent thinking

"Plant!.. Plant?.."David tilted his head as Lucas listened to Plant's tone of voice to know what they're saying "You did?.."Lucas asked as Plant nodded "Plant! Plant.. Plant! Plant!" The last two sentence was in an angry tone which both Lucas and David thought they were saying was 'They were mean!' "Do you know who it is?"Plant stayed silent before nodding slowly not answering

"Is it Devin?"Lucas gave David a glare as Plant shook they're head "Well.. We gotta tell everyone here to know!"David said as Lucas's eyes widened "Don't! Im not letting them see Plant hurt right now! They're going to check on Plant and i do not want them getting near my child!"Lucas said picking up Plant and carrying them like a baby "But!-" "No buts!"Lucas growled giving him a death glare "Okayyy"David backed away slowly

Sooner or Later Ritchie had gotten worried about Lucas and so were the others since he hasn't been out of his house so Ritchie and Brandon knocked on Lucas's door, Lucas opened the door "What." "Hey Lucas! Are you alright?.. You've been in your room the whole entire DAY!"Ritchie said in a worried tone

"Im fine now go and shoo and tell everybody to not even go and come here to since i am busy, David can come whenever"Lucas shut the door on them leaving Ritchie and Brandon confused, Lucas opened the door again "And also if you even dare try and get in im going to be trapping them in a bubble for the whole entire week or drown them, Got that?"He closed the door again leaving the twins now shock and confused

"Im not going to mess with him since i don't want to get hurt.."Brandon backed away as him and Ritchie ran away from the house telling everybody to not go in, some people tried to get in to see what Lucas is hiding but lets just say what happened was Inmo almost drowned, Mario was stuck in a bubble and Devin almost got frozen by David

Everybody now knows not to mess with Lucas and David when they are in an overprotective state or in an angry state

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