• Halloween Party (FTO) •

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Welcome to the FairyTail Origins Crack Ships World!

Ships are:
Ritchie x Bryan has 3 votes
Bjorn x Brandon and Mario x Davis has 2 votes
Zaine x Lucas has 1 vote
Kit and Mania would be fighting over Blake because both Mania x Blake and Kit x Blake have a tie with 1 votes
Inmo x David has 0 votes but since all of the people they're shipped with was taken, they would have to be shipped together

This is also only part 1 since i want to do 2 ships in 1 chapter anyways hope you enjoy!

3rd Person POV
Kit, Mania, Blake and Kay had planned out a Halloween Party at the Protectors Guild since even though the others suggested the Divinus Magia island, They still refused because Divinus Magia might be a big place to party but the girls still hasn't cleaned up the sleepover stuff at the Guild Hall so they suggested the Protectors Guild

The party was going great and the Protectors Guild was covered in Halloween decorations, a couple wasn't really up for the Halloween party and just wanted to spend some time with each other but were dragged to join in the party by Mania and Blake, both of them sat outside at the grass watching the stars and moon shimmer in the night sky as everybody was partying inside

"Why did they even invite us? We could have just stayed in Divinus Magia like some of the others!"Bryan groaned. It was obvious he just wanted to spend some more time with Ritchie "I don't have the answers for that"Ritchie shrugged. Laying his head on the other's lap as Bryan sighed "You wanna go to a place i just found while in a mission with Mania? Its not really that far from here plus its boring here"Bryan asked

"As long as i get away from the chaos that is bound to happen then sure"Ritchie sat up as Bryan stood up, taking his hand and helping him get up "So where is this place?"Ritchie asked "Over there at the forest, follow me"Bryan took Ritchie's hand running towards the forest as Ritchie lets Bryan drag him

Once Bryan stopped running, arriving at the place. He looks back at Ritchie who ran towards him before stopping to look at the place. It was an open cave facing towards the moon, fairy lights were hung around the stone ceiling, some blankets and pillows were laid across the inside of the cave, a telescope facing the moon and some fireflies dancing to the moon's light

(You guys know what im trying to say right?-)

"Did you prepare this?"Ritchie asked jumping over the small gap that seperates the cave and the land they were standing at "Yeah, This was one of the places i stayed at to release out negative emotions"Bryan jumped over the gap, walking over to Ritchie who was already sitting at the blankets and pillows

"I can understand how you found this place calming.."Ritchie muttered, looking over at the dancing fireflies as Bryan sat down beside him, resting his head on Ritchie's shoulder and answered with a hum. Ritchie and Bryan sat there, watching the fireflies dance around the moon

As time passed by, Ritchie felt Bryan's grip loosen up as he looked over to see Bryan had fallen asleep. Ritchie put a pillow on the stone wall and laid there, slowly resting Bryan on his chest. Ritchie gave Bryan a small peck on the lips muttering "Love you.." which the other muttered back "Love you too.." Ritchie smiled before drifting off to sleep

Meanwhile at the Divinus Magia island. Ritchie's twin, Brandon stood infront of a memorial statue of a fellow guild member named Bjorn. You might think Inmo was the only one who felt like he got stabbed right in the heart hearing about the news of Bjorn dying but he wasn't alone, Brandon had it worst

Ritchie had to take over the guild for 2 whole weeks to give Brandon alone time and to let him calm down over the death, Ritchie, Kit and Lucas were the only ones who knew Brandon and Bjorn were dating because of Ritchie and Kit teasing him and asking him if he really do have a crush on the viking which he sooner or later answered yes

Lucas had found out about it when he was swimming around the island and found Brandon and Bjorn about to kiss, Lucas immediately swam away to not get spotted and teased Brandon and Bjorn about it the next day

Back to the real time. Brandon sat infront of the memorial, letting out a sigh "I miss you.. why did you have to leave..?"Brandon asked in a low tone of voice "..I know it wasn't in your control of when you die.. but.. i wish we could have spend more time together before you left.."Brandon looked down

Little did he know that behind him was Bjorn in a spirit form "I wished that too.."He looked down

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