• A Mangled Mess(FTFO)

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This i just a made up Au so don't read this if you haven't read the 'ideas ' chapter i made and also this story is much more different on what i explained, basically its like the normal Fnaf 2 game

Ships:Seek x Colin(I still wanna do something with this ship for some odd reason)
Series:FairyTail Fnaf Origins

Seek's POV
I heard the keys jiggle on the doors knowing it was our time to turn on, it was the first week of us turning into animatronics and.. it was quite fun entertaining kids.. except.. that kids care about Mitch, Pat and Colin more than me.. The kids torn me down into wires, i looked down at my now mangled body, i heard a jumpscare 'It might be them killing the night guard..'i stayed silent before realizing what i look like right now

I looked ugly.. i looked like a mangled mess.. i crawled towards a dead end corner and i saw a black blanket hanging from an open vent, i took it and covered myself in it, sadly enough the blanket couldn't cover my face i leaned my head on the wall and silently cried 'Why did i have to be like this?..' 'Is the others really that special more than me?..' 'Why do the kids care about them the most?..' 'What do they have that i don't?..' 'Why did they made me this way?..' "Why did they turn me into a mangled mess?.."i huddled up myself in a ball and turned off in the vents

I was back fixed but again.. kids tore me apart.. the others didn't really know about this, i never had showed myself and only showed myself in the first day and that's where i was fixed.. they don't see me get torn apart because of how me and Lucas are in different rooms than them, and yes Lucas is here with us, he's the one to play the music box for kids

Everybody is quite confused on why Lucas was here and not in his guild which is Divinus Magia but we didn't really care to ask since he was very nice, Lucas also helps me not get torn by playing the music box or make bubbles to distract the kids and get them away from me, he's the only one that knows about the condition im in and i really appreciate him being there for me

But of course the others had to know.. "Seek? where are you?" Colin yelled out, he was the one that plays the guitar in Grimshade the thing is Michael isn't here which we don't know why.. but we didn't really ask questions anyways, i was huddled up in my vents corner as i heard Colin yelled my name

"I.. im just in the vents!.. you don't have to go up here! im just resting!.."I yelled back, there was a long pause before i realized i made a big mistake "Seek? How did you get in the vents?"i saw Colin down at the hole where my passageway to my secret spot was, it was the spot that i use to climb up here

"Uhh.. Im just.. higher at jumping!.. yeah hehe.."Gosh dangit Seek, you just have to mess up do you? "Can you come down? i wanna talk to you"i stayed silent "I.. Uhh.. i don't want to.."I muttered but sadly Colin heard it "Why don't you wanna go down? its been a month since were animatronics! and you still haven't gotten down since the first day! come on, me, Pat and Mitch really want to see you!"He whined

I stayed silent "Colin?.. Can you.. promise to not judge me if i come down please?.."My voice was lower and sadness laced in my voice, i can see Colin concerned "Of course I won't! why would i judge you?" i stayed silent before jumping down the vents landing infront of him but i still had the blanket on so he couldn't really see me "What is with the blankets?" he asked confused and concerned

I took off the blankets revealing how twisted and mangled i looked.. his eyes widened in shock "S..Seek?!.. What happened?! who did this to you?! I swear if it was Afton i will!-" i shook my head "The second day of being an entertainment animatronic, i wasn't really liked nor loved, i was a pull apart and put back together toy for the kids even if they don't realize that i was hurting from how much they had pulled my parts and pieces.. the kids were the ones who did this.. but I don't blame them really, they didn't know i had a soul.. after all.. im just an animatronic.. a useless and not loved animatronic.."oil soon dripped down my face plate as i mentioned the last part

"Seek.. your not just an animatronic.. your a person too! we could have just gotten back if we can pull the switch but.. we've not known how to use our powers now.. its been a month since we had died and we didn't know how could we use our powers that day.. this dimension.. somehow didn't allow powers of mages and slayers.. but.. that doesn't mean that if we're animatronics and couldn't use our own powers doesn't mean we're useless.. we can still use combat, we're good at many things without powers.."

"Your still a person, animatronic or not, the kids thought you were just a toy to mess with but you aren't.. and don't say to yourself that your not loved! your loved by everybody got that? and also even if you can't be fixed and might get stuck as a mangled mess.. doesn't mean i.. doesn't mean i don't love you alright? we're your friends Seek, you could've told us and we would have found a way to fix it"Colin said adding his confession in it, which had probably took so many times to pick up those courage but wait..

"You.. Love me?.."i asked, he nodded "I.. Don't understand how you'll love a mangled mess.. I.. love you too but i.. don't.. I don't understand how you'll love me!.."questions was going into my mind, was this just a prank or what?

"I loved you since we were still alive Seek, what you look like doesn't change my love for you.. it makes me feel heart broken seeing how you just.. do this to yourself.. how you call yourself useless and ugly even if your not.. what a person looks like doesn't change anything, your personality is all i care about and how you were still goofy and lovable as back then.."

Is.. Is this just a prank?.. is this a dream?.. oil trailed down my face as i ran up to him and hugged him "Colin i.. thank you.. i love you too.."I felt him smiling as he hugged me back "I love you too Seek.. its going to be morning soon.. go to a place where anybody won't see you alright? I don't want to see you hurt more.."i nodded and kissed him on the cheek before we both walked to different directions

Quick Message
Just to say this everything Colin had said is true, i have noticed how there's many depressed people who just thinks they're useless and nobody loved them but just know! everybody cares about you, people can relate to you, understand that this is a battle, a battle you'll win, the others will cheer for you, people will loose and win this battle! but know that nobody is useless and everybody is useful and unique in they're own way.

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