• Since when?! (FTO) •

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Ships:Lucas x David
Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: Sofijka2

Just know that there will be FTO chapters where David x Lucas is a thing even if they aren't the main ship since you can't really judge me, i've grown close with the ship way too much and seeing it not sail breaks my heart though if you don't want Lucas x David as a ship then just say it, I won't judge and won't skip yours since i will not skip any ships unless i strongly disagree with the ship then i will not do your request

3rd Person POV
Since Lucas and David had went out of the book, they have been pretty close and would normally stick with each other, protect each other and won't let anybody do anything to them that will make them uncomfortable which is one of the reasons David got mad when Indolas was touching Lucas, They're actions caught the guild's attention as they asked why they were acting this way, I mean, Bro's and Best Friend's can be like that too so they guess that in they're mission, they get to know each other more and talk more but they're bond was getting kinda strong and they acted more happy with each other that the guild doesn't know if they are just friend's or not

And this was the day they finally ask them and learn the truth between them

As Lucas and David were walking around the island and talking about some stuff with Plant sleeping on David's head they heard somebody call out they're names "David! Lucas!" They look behind to see the twin guild leaders and Blake and the one who yelled was the blue head twin named Ritchie "What!"David shouted, He didn't run towards them since he didn't want to wake Plant up so he made a gesture for them to walk to them instead

Blake immediately got the gesture and three of them walked towards them "What do you want?"Lucas asked "Uh.. How do we actually start this conversation?.."Blake asked looking over at the twins as they shrugged at her, She sighed looking back at the small family infront of her "Well.. We've been wondering.. Why have you guys been so close to each other recently? The others said that 6 months ago, i think? you two were kinda like rivals?"Blake said in a confused tone, not knowing if the information she gathered was right

"Yeah and we're wondering why are you guys acting that way"Ritchie asked, David and Lucas looked at each not knowing if they should tell the truth or not "Well uh.."Both of them trailed off as the other three raised an eyebrow at them, giving them a confused look "Well you see, When we were in our mission ahem* going into that demon book with a crazy old lady and a fire breathing parrot ahem* our bond started to grow closer?.."David explained with a questionable tone at the end

"Uh huh, But why are you guys so close than normal friends?"Ritchie asked with the others nodding at them, Ritchie looked behind to look at Brandon "You've been awfully quiet.."He mumbled as Brandon shrugged, They're attention went back to David and Lucas who didn't know what to say "Well.. Maybe we aren't friends anymore..?"Lucas said in a questionable tone

"What?! What happened to your friendship?!"Blake asked with wide eyes "Not friends anymore like best friends?"Ritchie asked as Blake started to calm down, hearing that there is a slight possibility that they became best friend's, David and Lucas shook they're heads "Nope, we aren't best friends nor friends"David said causing Blake to panic more thinking that something happened between them breaking they're friendship as Ritchie and Brandon we're confused yet shocked

"We're dating"Lucas and David said causing Blake to stop panicking and looking at them with wide eyes as the twins were in utter shock not knowing what to say "What?!"Blake, Ritchie and Brandon shouted at the same time in a confused tone, David laughed at they're reaction as Lucas couldn't help but giggle "You seriously think me and Lucas would become nothing but strangers to each other?"David laughed

"I- Why didn't you tell us earlier?!"Ritchie shouted a question, still in his shock state "And when was this?!"Blake shouted another question "Better yet! Who else knows this?!"Ritchie shouted another question again "Since when we were done with our mission"Lucas answered Blake's question "That old crazy lady and the fire burning parrot are the only ones who knew"David answered Ritchie's second answer "And we just didn't wanna tell you guys since it really isn't that much of a big deal and we were still in shambles"Lucas answered Ritchie's first question

"I mean, yeah we were in shambles but right now we aren't! why didn't you guys tell us when me and my brother finally returned?!"Ritchie asked another question "I don't know"Lucas and David shrugged "Are you- You know what? Nevermind, you lovebirds are confusing! me and my brother going, bye!"Ritchie walked away with Brandon following leaving the three, oh wait four since Plant was still sleeping on David's head, wait how didn't Plant woke up with the shouting?- you know what? nevermind

"Soo.. Since you guys are together.. Have you even kissed?"Blake asked as David and Lucas blushed "What?! Not yet!"David shouted "Well then how about you guys do it!"Blake grinned "Plant?"Plant woke up "Oh morning Plant!"Blake smiled "Morning my little sunshine and Blake, No!"Lucas shouted still blushing "I mean, we can"David looked over at Lucas before putting Plant down "See? Even David agrees!"Blake's grin went back to her face as Lucas looked over at David "W-Wait- What?!"He shouted, blushing madly

"Alright alright, lets just do it quick before you pass out from blushing"David pulled him into a kiss as Plant and Blake watched with a smile and was in aww except for Plant who was obviously confused on what was happening yet still smiled at the scene infront of them, David and Lucas pulled away with both of them blushing, Lucas fainted in David's arms with his face still blushing red as David and Blake laughed with Plant still confused as ever

To be honest with you, this is my favorite oneshot i ever made-

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