• Heartbroken (FTO) •

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Ships:Ritchie x Flurry
Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: Sofijka2

Before things start there is a problem that i wanna state which is about the drawings i promise i made, may i ask if it is okay to do those drawings as edits in Gacha? Sorry for the sudden change, I just have many things to do and the positioning was the thing that makes me bothered about the drawings, I will do the drawings when i finally get things together and i kinda did one of the drawings but it looks so crappy in my perspective

Before things start there is a problem that i wanna state which is about the drawings i promise i made, may i ask if it is okay to do those drawings as edits in Gacha? Sorry for the sudden change, I just have many things to do and the positioning ...

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This if for springlockfnaf and the only thing that im going to say is that im sorry-
Also for the new chapters i will make will have some people coming from different fandoms and for the people who spot them will get a free edit from me or if the request is easy for me then i might do the drawing anyways enough of my rant, lets start this oneshot

3rd Person POV
Ritchie walked towards the back of the red curtains to see Flurry in tears, he walked over to him bending over to sit down beside her "Are you alright?"He asked with a slight worry shown in his voice, Flurry got caught off guard as she flinched looking towards the person before calming down realizing it was Ritchie "O..Oh hi! y..yeah im fine!.. i was just practicing crying!.. yeah.. hehe.."She wiped her tears away as she awkwardly giggled at the end of her sentence, Ritchie raised an eyebrow at him clearly not convinced

"Y..You can go back to your guild now!.. Hehe.."She awkwardly giggled again at the end of her sentence as Ritchie stayed silent before shaking his head "Stop lying to me, I can tell that wasn't acting.."Ritchie gave her a serious look meaning he wasn't playing around, Flurry got the look and slowly looked down 'Should i?.. but..I'll just bother him with my problem..'She thought to herself

"E..Eh.. Uhhm.. Its really nothing.. I'll just bother you with my problem.."Her giggly voice got replaced with a sad one as she looked down ashamed, Ritchie wasn't give up like that however as he got closer to her before hugging her, Flurry flinched at the sudden hug "W..What?.. Why are you hugging me?.."She asked trying to get away from his grip but Ritchie didn't let go "You look like you needed a hug so.. i hugged you.."Flurry stayed silent and stopped moving hearing Ritchie's words

"I.."She wasn't really used with that kind of comfort especially getting hugs from another person that she isn't really familiar with, Both of then stayed in silent with Ritchie still hugging her before Flurry broke down crying, she hugged him as Ritchie pull out of the hug before hugging her again but with her now crying on his chest

"Shh.. Let it all out.."Ritchie whispered in a comforting tone as Flurry cried more, Ritchie whispered comforting things in her ear to calm her down, Once she stopped crying she let go of Ritchie as she wiped her remaining tears, her whole makeup was ruined as tear stains were shown "Are you okay now?"Ritchie asked in a worried tone, Flurry nodded "Y..Yeah.. Thanks for the help Ritchie.."A smile appeared on her face as Ritchie nodded

"Well.. mind telling me what's the problem?.. you clearly need somebody to help you and need somebody to open up to so.. im here to listen.."Flurry looked down not knowing if she should tell him or not "Its fine if you don't wanna tell me.."Ritchie mumbled, Flurry looked at him before letting out a sigh "N..No its fine.. I could tell you.. Im just afraid of being judged and getting said to stop being a crybaby and saying that my situation is nothing to cry about.."Flurry said looking down as tears went down her cheek before she wiped it away

"Im not going to judge you.. It might be a small thing to some people but clearly to you its a big thing.. so im all ears to listen Flurry.."Flurry sighed knowing she can't just back away now "Well.. You see i liked somebody but.. he started going out with somebody else and.. i just can't handle feeling heartbroken.."more tears threatened to fall as she wiped them away

"Well.. I never really felt heartbroken about love so i really don't know how it feels or how to comfort you but.. the only thing i know is that.. He probably isn't the one.. If he's dating somebody then its your time to let go and move on.. I know its hard to move on from somebody but my advice is.. wait for the person that will love you and be patient with it.. you can't just let somebody play around with your feelings.. right?.."Flurry slowly looked down

"Your.. right.. I can't just let somebody play around with my feelings like that!.."She smiled as she looked up at Ritchie who was smiling at her "Thank you.. Ritchie.. i really needed the help.."Ritchie nodded as Flurry pulled him into a hug, Ritchie got caught off guard before hugging back "Anytime Flurry.."He muttered, Both of them let go of the hug as Flurry pulled out a mirror looking at herself

"I looked like a mess"She said letting out a sigh as Ritchie chuckled "Yeah you do.. want me to help you clean up the whole makeup from your face?"Flurry nodded "Yes please, i put tons and tons of layers of makeup making it almost impossible to wipe it off"Flurry stood up as Ritchie stood up along with her

"Well that's going to be a big problem" Flurry sighed "Yeah it is.."Flurry growled in frustration not wanting to take an hour taking off her makeup "Lets go since it looks like we'll be taking that makeup off for atleast an hour"Flurry nodded as both of them walked towards a mirror/table set and spend an hour taking off Flurry's makeup but spending an hour taking off that makeup means spending an hour getting to know each other more

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