• Comfort (FTO) •

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Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: NightmareIIPanda 2324
Does this glitch on Wattpad only works at night?- I literally can't tag anybody!

3rd Person POV
A man named Michael sat infront of a grave with tears running down his cheeks, the grave was his wife's grave her name was Lilac.. (I- DON'T REMEMBER IM SORRY-) Michael loved her but.. she died.. Michael choked on a sob as he looked down "I miss you.."He muttered

Meanwhile, A man named Allumos appeared, He heard some crying so he decided to check it out, he found Michael in tears, Allumos walked over to him about to attack him before he saw he was crying.. He stopped right behind him not knowing what to, He bit his lip not knowing if he should go and take a chance to attack him, comfort him or just leave him be, He stayed silent for a while before coming into an agreement

He lowered himself down sitting down beside Michael "This is the first time i've seen you cry.."Allumos mumbled getting Michael's attention, Michael's eyes widened realizing it was Allumos as he wiped his tears looking away from him, They were stuck in a silence before Allumos said something

"Its the past Michael, I know you can't just clearly forget somebody who is very special to you that died but.. you learn from people and you have to use that.. Lilac taught you how to be brave, intelligent and she also taught you love, She might be gone but those things she taught you and memories with you and her will always be in your heart and mind.. She's watching over you and she probably wants to comfort you and hug you but.. she can't be seen.. just know Michael that.. She'll still there.. she's watching over you making sure you're safe.."

Those words made Michael cry more, Allumos sighed before hugging him as Michael cried, Allumos heard somebody walking towards them as he looked up to see Silver, Bri, Ritchie and Brandon walking over to them and hugging Michael which turned into a group hug as Michael cried more "Hey buddy its alright.."Ritchie tried comforting him

At some point Silver bit his lip trying not to cry too before he bursted out crying "Silver, Love! don't cry too!"Bri said in a worried tone as everybody let go from the hug sitting at the ground, Allumos was hugging Michael as Michael was still crying, Bri was trying to comfort Silver and Ritchie and Brandon watched in worry "Guys its fine.. they are still watching over both of you and making sure your safe"Brandon said as Ritchie, Allumos and Bri nodded but Michael and Silver continued crying

Silver and Michael cried for atleast 20 minutes before thanking the others for comforting them, they all hugged and parted ways after that

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