• A Sacrafice (SNO) •

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This is just my version of the SNO final, so both Bryan and Lucas didn't show they're versions of the finals and both of them still are alive so my thoughts were ' What if they saved the others?' Oh and by the way this is not at all cannon and these things are just made up by my mind

Ships:Just mentions Rian x Devin
Series:Supernatural Origins
Warning:Deaths and Sacrafices but it wouldn't be too detailed

"Are we really going to go with our plan?.. what if our plan fails?!.."Lucas said in a worried and panicking tone "Hey, you don't have to worry about it! this plan is going to work.. i promise that.."Bryan gave him a comforting hug which had calmed the Angel down but was still panicking a little bit

"Alright.. i guess.."Both of them let go off the hug and then nodded at each other before Lucas flied away and Bryan ran away

Each day passes and Supernaturals kept dying one by one by the wild hunt, Both Bryan and Lucas remembered every single one of the Supernaturals as they kept everything that has something to do with them to keep them from forgetting

The hunt had stopped after they had killed Austin and both Bryan and Lucas were happy to atleast have some people alive, they walked over to Bri as she turned around to be met by them "Uh..Hi do i know you?"She greeted awkwardly as spore hid behind her legs "Well, Im Lucas an Angel and this is Bryan a werewolf from Packhaven, don't you remember us?"Lucas greeted, Bri looked confused before remembering

"Oh! nice to see you guys again well kinda?.. since you know.. Hannah?.."Bri said awkwardly "Oh don't worry about Hannah, its fine!.. we're actually here for your help.."Bryan said as Lucas nodded "Well, what do you need help with?" "We just want you to actually come with us!.. me and Bryan are actually going to do a spell and we need you for it.."Bri looked slightly confused but agreed nonetheless

They walked in a clearing area of the woods "Packhaven is right that way right?"Both Bryan and Lucas hummed a 'yes' as Bri nodded "So what spell are you guys going to do?"She raised an eyebrow at them "A sacrafice spell.."Lucas trailed off at the end "..." "Who are you going to sacrafice yourselves to?.."Bryan and Lucas looked at each other "No time to explain.. we'll have to do the sacrafice now.. you should probably back away.."Bri looked hesitant but agreed, she picked Spore up and carry Spore who was hugging Fred like a baby and backed away to a pretty good distance and watched them do the spell, Lucas and Bryan held hands as they closed they're eyes

"This spell is for the victims of the Wild Hunt"Both of them casted together "I, Lucas a fallen angel from heaven" "And I, Bryan a werewolf of Packhaven" "Wish to sacrafice our freedom, will, power and soul to save those who had died" "Mario the Alpha of Packhaven, Xylo the Beta of Packhaven, Jackson, Mitch, Colin, Seek and Marcus the vampires of Mythsphire, Brandon a fallen angel, Devin the Son of the Devil and an Incubus, Rian a Phoenix and a True Alpha, Pierre a skeleton and any other Supernaturals who had died by the hands of the Wild Hunt"The Supernaturals that were mentioned appeared as they looked around frantic before they're eyes landed on Lucas and Bryan

"We wish to greet them back in the overworld and to give them immortality, for the Supernaturals who has forgotten we wish for them to remember"Bri suddenly got circled with a golden yellow light as memories flooded "For the dragon that sacraficed himself for the vampire he had loved, we wish for him to have a good life in hell, we're sorry that we couldn't find a way to bring you back to life but.." "You will forever be remembered, for the crimes that the True Alpha's had done will be forgiven.. and now.. it is our time to go.. farewell.."

Everybody watched in horror as Bryan and Lucas fell to the ground lifeless, right in time Brandon and Jackson had caught them "Bryan?/Lucas?.. Bryan/Lucas wake up!"Brandon and Jackson yelled out as Xylo and Mario rushed towards them, Bri rushed towards Rian and Devin as they all hugged in each other thanking that they were alive

Light surrounded Lucas and Bryan which caught everybody's attention, Lucas and Bryan started breathing normally again "Bryan/Lucas?! Guys they're alive!"Jackson/Brandon yelled out as a letter fell down, Mario catched it and saw it was from Austin, he read it out loud for everyone to hear

"Lucas.. Bryan.. thank you.. thank you for bringing them back and thank you for letting Rian, Bri and Devin to make amends and to know what is right.. Both of your journey's aren't ending yet.. its not your time to go to the afterlife, your kindness to bring the Supernaturals back, to sacrafice yourselves and to let the Supernaturals that had done many crimes to have a second chance.. I'll give you two an immortal life here in the overworld along with everybody.. i might be gone but i'll still watch over all of you especially Rian and Bri.. I'll make sure all of you are safe, thank you..


Mario read outloud as Rian, Bri and Devin watched in pure shock, Bri and Rian held back a cry now knowing that they were safe but.. Austin was not there for them now..

Rian sat at the top of the sacred tree talking to Austin's spirit beside him "Isn't it sad that Bri nor the others can't see you?.. only i can?.."Austin went silent "It is since i can't really talk to the others.. but on the bright side atleast i get to talk to you!.."Austin smiled, Rian shared the smile back"Is there any way to get you back to life?.." "Unfortunately not.."Austin answered sadly, Rian nodded "Well.. im going to go i have a date with Devin and can you please not spy on our date?"Rian growled

"Fine.. But if he does something that can harm you.. i will.." "Your a spirit, you can't kill anybody"Rian smirked as Austin went silent before having an idea and smirking "Im going to use your body to kill him then!" "No!"Austin laughed as Rian jumped down the tree with Austin still following him


I think its very obvious my favorite characters are Bryan, Austin, Lucas and Ritchie from how much screen time they get also if anybody is wondering why Austin couldn't get revived its because he's a Dragon the ruler of the Supernaturals, His powers are way too powerful for Bryan and Lucas to restore to his body that's why they couldn't save him, the only thing that got Rian and Devin to get revived its because Rian was only deleted and restoring his powers back to his body wasn't a problem since his powers was already in his body so the only thing they need to do was revive him which was easy and Lucas was an angel to have much power to revive Devin

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