• Tried (SNO) •

853 14 6

Ships:Xylo x Bryan
Series:Supernatural Origins
Requested by: johnnyzink05
I really don't know how to make Bryan try to be the 'top' one in the relationship but i'll try-

Meaning's in this book that is probably supposed to be sexual but is not here-
Bottom/Sub:The not so confident one and is also not up for flirting or fails on flirting (Ahem* FTO Lucas, OZ Colin and OoO Michael-) they can also flirty most of the time
Top/Dominant:The more confident and serious one and is the one who is used to flirting and would flirt when they can

3rd Person POV
Bryan's mind was thinking of a plan that he already knew would fail from how much he didn't know how to do it but he tried to which probably caused Xylo and Bryan to be in a cuddling position right now

Well you see, Bryan was trying to 'Top' Xylo as he flirts, kisses him out of nowhere or just try to top him in general, we should probably go back to what happened, Mario, Relena and Xylo were talking about how Xylo shouldn't have left a tortoise in the ocean since he thought that it was a turtle that can swim, Out of nowhere Bryan hugged Xylo from behind, kissing him on the cheek "Oh geez!-" Xylo looked behind "Oh hey Bryan"Xylo hugged him as he hugged back

"Hi!"Bryan greeted "Okay love birds, don't have to rub it in our face that we're single"Relena said as Mario couldn't help but chuckle at her response "Oh shush, Your just jelly that we're together"Xylo smirked "No im not!"Relena argued "Don't start an argument please"Mario cut both of them off

Bryan fell asleep in Xylo's arms probably because he was tired from all the flirting he'd done the whole morning and from his journey, Xylo looked over at him "Well, Guess my little wolf is asleep, I'll go and put him to bed, See ya"Xylo picked Bryan up before walking to Bryan's house and going to his bedroom to lay him down

As Xylo was about to walk away, He felt somebody tug on his shirt as he looked behind to see Bryan tugging on his shirt "Don't leave.."Xylo sighed "I won't.."He walked over to him before laying down beside him and cuddling him "Night my little wolf.." "Night Xylo.."They fell asleep cuddling each other

I tried to make Bryan try to be dominant but i failed, Sorry it wasn't exactly how the request says but i hope the small fluff is okay?

Comment some request too and now you guys/girls/non-binary can comment request in other chapters now since i don't have any more to write except for the Dreamers (Dream Team+FTO) and Overprotective Parents/Deal/Trapped(FTO) so comment some stories/oneshots i can do and now bye and have a great day/night!

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