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- Mario and Bryan fighting to see who's much more stronger -
Mario: What are you gonna do? stab me?
Bryan or Rose who is now taking control: YES! *stabs him*
Mario:Yep.. I shouldn't have asked!
Bryan taking control and looking down at Mario: Rose.. Again?!

- Brandon who's just watching the chaos unfold in Divinus Magia -

Brandon: This is so frustrating! I hate everybody! I hate everything!
Lucas and Ritchie:Everybody?..
Brandon: *Sighs* everybody except for both of you..
Lucas and Ritchie: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

Flame:Okay seriously.. what is wrong with you?!
Angel:I have this weird self esteem issue where i hate myself but still think im better than everybody else..

Flame - FTO Bryan
Pup - SNO Bryan
Angel - OoO Bryan
*Fnaf Kids*

Jon: Everybody keeps saying that im a vampire cause of my pale skin but whenever Bryan gets small injuries on his arm i watch him suck the blood on it-

I just realize how this doesn't make any sense since they're animatronics..but this is the future and sometimes the Twisteds turns into they're 'human' form or what's left of the form to go around and pretend do be absolutely innocent and no they can't go to they're fixed form and now im just putting ideas in my mind-

Angel:Hello everybody who do not live here!
Angel:I gave you the keys for emergencies!
Flame:There is no more fire-

- Kay who just had enough of Bryan and Mario fighting 24/7 -
Kay:Mario..did you hit your head as a kid?
Mario:Did you just assume that i was held by Zeus?
Kay and Bryan:....
Bryan:Mario.. i know we're supposed to be enemies and all but.. do we seriously have to talk about your childhood?

Angel:Hey guys i have a child!!
Flame:Wait what?-
Angel:*slams adoption papers on the table* Its Pup! Can you sign here?

- Angel/OoO Bryan in his mansion writing his diary -
Bryan:one rule.. Do not fall inlove!
- When he meets the other guys -
Bryan:...This rule is way too hard...

- Kay after stopping Bryan from trying to seduce a person -
Kay:Bryan! Just one rule! one rule that i need you to follow!
Bryan:Kay.. Im the Son of Aphrodite.. what do you want me to do?! NOT FALL INLOVE?!-

Michael:I may be short but that just means that the anger has nowhere to go but out!

When i was actually making the headcannon for both Bryan and Ritchie about the chaos thing i somehow thought about shipping them and I can't get it off my mind..help-
Mario:Soo.. are you a big spoon or a little spoon?
Bryan:A knife!
Ritchie, yelling from the kitchen: He's a little spoon!

Rose:how come whenever
i have fun its considered wrong?!
Tainted:people die when you have fun!

Bryan:Mario bet me that me and Bri can't have an Aphrodite Ball without having problems and..
Bryan:he was absolutely right..

Angel, forcing Flame to get in the water:GET IN!!!
Pup:... Your not dying..

Xylo, knocking on Bryan's cabin:Bryan come out!
Bryan, busting down the door:Im GAY!
Xylo:...You literally flirted with the whole boys at camp, no frick-

An Au that i just made -w-
Bryan:Hey Jakey? i need to go to the store do you need anything?
Jakey:... I want my best friend and my friends back..
Bryan:... I have like 15 dollars...

Everybody:God bless you
Rose:...But he's already bless with hotness?...

*Fnaf Kids*
Gizzy:Everybody keeps thinking Kay is sweet and innocent when i just had watched her beat the crap out of Jon with a crowbar she stole-

*Fnaf Kids*
Gizzy's Dad:Kay is at the age where one thing is in her mind
Henry:...Do we need to get another therapist for Jon or what?..

- Austin making a sad meme since somebody forced him *ahem* The author *ahem* and there was a scene where both Austin and Rian are talking about it and Austin wants to know what to do in the situation if it ever happens -

Austin:How do you love someone without getting hurt? (Your my best friend if you know this song)
Rian:Don't get hurt duh
Austin:...Rian no-

- The Alpha Pack decided to play hide and seek and Rian had found Bri and Devin but can't find Austin -
Rian:Im a werewolf i should hear where he is!
- With Austin who is hiding underground in a cave and ants were running after him -

Rian:I just ended a married relationship..
Devin:...Are you and Austin still friends or?..
Rian:..Me and Austin are NOT married!

Ritchie:You know who's the brightest thing in the world?~
Michael: Austin
Ritchie:No- i know he's the son of Apollo but- ughhh

- How Bryan fell into the underground -
Mario:Bryan don't let go!
Mario:See? that's why im not letting you go
Bryan:...*lets go of him* AHHHH!!!
Mario:Oh.. BYE! have fun in your journey!!

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