• Promise (FTO) •

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This idea just somehow got into my mind while concentrating and calming down, i wasn't even thinking of anything soo i might aswell show this idea to you guys and if there is anything wrong sorry about that, correct me if im wrong but this is just an AU so it really doesn't connect to the actual plotline of FTO

Ships - Lucas x Brandon
Series - FairyTail Origins
Requested by - No one

3rd Person POV
A month after everybody pronounced the Diablos twins dead, after Brandon had gone missing Ritchie went to look for him when he had gotten into his own senses and stopped drinking but the communication lacrima somewhat had stopped working and everybody had thought both of them were dead

Kit looked like she was about to burst into tears any moment, Mario and Inmo were always distant, David was always seen training and Lucas was.. well.. Lucas was quiet and very distant but he was still determined they were alive but the thing is Divinus Magia was going to get disband because of the guild leaders being deas and the others didn't like this which lead to them in the meeting room right now

"Okay.. so who votes who?.."Lucas asked, they were voting for who will take place as guild leaders since the last thing Ritchie promised to them was if he dies he wishes for them to have two new guild leaders so that's why they're voting "I vote..Lucas and..David.."Kit mumbled which has caused the others to get confused

"Wait why me?"David questioned "Because i see Ritchie and Brandon seeing you as a brother so you have the right to be taking place as a guild leader and Lucas is Brandon's boyfriend too and both of you are apart of the S class so both of you have reasonings to be the guild leaders.."Kit explained

The others surprisingly agreed to this which had caused both David and Lucas to be frozen in shock "But.."Lucas was cut off by Mario "Come on we promised Ritchie this" Lucas and David looked at each other before letting out a sigh and nodding, the others smiled at this and they're eyes actually had a spark of hope

For the past few days of both David and Lucas signing up as guild leaders for Divinus Magia was absolutely hard to do and after both of them were now guild leaders of Divinus Magia, they had change some things to the place like putting up statues to remind them of the Diablos twins and having much more strict rules than normal

But anyways there was two familiar Devil Slayers that had been limping towards Divinus Magia, they had noticed the statues and smiled even if both of them were hurt "We were actually gone for that long?.."Brandon asked looking at the statues "Probably but i gotta say they actually didn't break the promise.. whoever became the guild leader's are probably taking good care of Divinus Magia"Ritchie smiled as Brandon nodded

"Lets go in now shall we brother?"Ritchie asked as Brandon nodded and both of them walked in the guild hall which had caused the others eyes widened seeing the twins, Kit had stopped playing with the fire spark,Tapio had stopped drinking the milk and the drink Inmo was drinking dropped to the ground

"BRADON?! RITCHIE?!"they asked/yelled before running up to them and hugging them with tears going down they're faces, Ritchie and Brandon looked at them before hugging back "Yep, we've definitely have been gone for way too long"Brandon said as Ritchie chuckled "W..Where have you two been?!.. W..we m..missed you!.."Kit manage to stutter out as she started crying

"And that's an explanation later when we see the others, where are they by the way?"Ritchie asked as the others let go of them and smiled slightly "The others are at the training grounds"Inmo answered as both Ritchie and Brandon nodded

Both of them walked towards the training grounds leaving Inmo, Tapio and Kit smiling at them, once they walked in the training grounds they saw David and Mario fighting and Lucas sitting down watching them, they walked towards them with a smile, both David and Mario stopped and looked towards them with they're eyes widened, Lucas was looking at them too, shocked

"BRANDON?! RITCHIE?!" they nodded as the others ran towards them and hugged them tears going down they're faces "Where have you two been?!"David asked/yelled "And we gotta explain that later but we have a question, who is the guild leaders?"Ritchie asked

"David and Lucas"Mario said gesturing to both of them, Ritchie and Brandon smiled since both of them were expecting this already "Quite expected for that"Brandon said as the others chuckled, after that the other guild leaders came and both Brandon and Ritchie explained everything

David and Lucas has also offered both Ritchie and Brandon they're position back but declined since both of them do need to heal and rest for a bit and signing up some paperworks will be a pain so instead both of them let Lucas and David be guild leaders while both of them are still healing

Brandon's POV
I was resting in my bedroom since somebody was getting stubborn on letting me and Ritchie out *ahem*Lucas, David and Michael*Ahem* anyways while im stuck in my room i heard a knock on my door "Come in" the door opened revealing Lucas, he closed the door and walked up to me "So how are you feeling?" "I've been feeling good" "Well do you need anything" i thought for a moment before smirking

"Cuddles"Lucas sighed before smiling "Fine"he sat on my bed as i crawled towards him and pull him towards him me, making him in a position where he's laying on top of me, he blushed at our position before cuddling towards me, both of us cuddled before falling asleep

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