• Nightmare (SNO) •

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Series:Supernatural Origins
Warnings:Slight Angst but there is nothing triggering so don't worry!
Requested by: Ender2398

3rd Person POV
Rian laid his head on the large sacred tree obviously frustated about something, Devin was talking to his dad and Austin and Bri said they'll check out Packhaven and Mythsphire for a bit, they both were confused why he didn't come but shrugged it off as he was busy

Rian closed his eyes for a bit to relax but he soon drifted off to sleep not even noticing he fell asleep

Rian opened his eyes as he was met by a dark void "Uh..Hello?" he yelled out but there was no answer, light engulf the dark void as he covered his eyes, once the light was gone he was met by a very horrid memory, the memory that gave him nightmares and the memory that haunted him for his whole entire life.. It was the memory of his parents deaths.. He looked away as he held back the tears that was threatening to fall "Rian?.."A voice called out behind him, he recognized the voice immediately as the person he treated as his own brother, Austin

He looked behind in an instant once he had heard his voice, he expected Austin's face to show worry and comfort from how every time he was panicking Austin always had a worried and comforting face but he didn't show any signs of worry nor comfort but he showed the signs of disgust, annoyance and hatred which had caught Rian off guard as he stumbled back from the cold hard glare Austin was giving him, it was very unlikely to see Austin's face full of hatred

"Uhh.. Austin?.. Do you know where we are?.."He just noticed that his parents dead bodies weren't there anymore and was relief but he was still uncomfortable from Austin's glare "In a black void duh, are you really that stupid?"Austin said in sass, Rian would have argued back but Austin didn't show any signs of playing around "Im not stupid!"

"Yeah sure you aren't, your plans are stupid enough to get you or even get us dead! how would that make you feel as a True Alpha? being a phoenix gives you immortality yet you die from stupid things! like from the war on getting your head cut off because you were so oblivious to your surroundings!"Austin snapped, Rian took a step back processing what came out of Austin's mouth, Austin might argue with him but it was all just for fun and now? it was a real argument.. Austin wasn't playing around

"Look at you now! you let your emotions take over you that you can't even protect the people you care about nor can you fight back because of your emotions! why were you even my friend in the first place?! no.. why did i see you as a brother in the first place?!"Austin shouted, he can take in the other words but.. the last sentences was a stab in the heart.. tears now fell down his cheek, he fell to the ground and covered his ears with his arms as he silently cried

Austin noticed this and rolled his eyes "Tch.." "Your Pathetic and Weak.."He walked away as Rian rewind every word he had said and silently cried

"Rian?" "Rian wake up!" "..." "Rian?.."  "RIAN!" Rian woke up breathing heavily as he looked around frantic to where he was only to calm down knowing he was at Ashborne, his eyes landed on Austin beside him looking at him with worry "It..It was all a nightmare.."He noticed tears going to down his face as he wiped it away "Are you okay now?.."Austin asked worry lacing in his voice which had calmed Rian down knowing Austin was there to comfort him and not throw bitter words at him

"Y..Yeah.. im fine now"He gave Austin a small smile as Austin smiled back, few minutes of being in silence Rian had calmed down "So.. what was the nightmare?.. i mean if you wanna tell me.. im all ears to listen!"Austin smiled brightly "Well.." "I was in a black void, i was all alone.."Rian started "Black void? geez being stuck in a black void must be scary.." Rian nodded and continued on with his story "A memory played and it was the memory when my parents had died.."Rian closed his eyes as more tears threatened to fall

Austin gave him a reassuring hug which the hug was returned by Rian, once they pulled away Rian continued his story "Once the memory was gone i saw.. you.. you had a look of disgust.. annoyance and hatred.. you were giving me such cold glare.."Rian's voice lowered down recalling the memory in his head as Austin gave him a worried look, he was searching they're soul link for any other information on the nightmare but he couldn't find any since Rian was trying to not think about it

"You called me stupid and oblivious from my head getting chopped off on the you know.. war.."Austin nodded signalling for him to continue "You asked why i was your friend in the first place or i guess.. you asked why i was the person you treated as a brother.. you also called me pathetic and weak.."Rian hugged his knees as he leaned in the sacred tree with tears now streaming down his cheeks from the memory he was recalling

Austin pulled him into a hug "I would never ever call you pathetic or weak! your none of those! especially i would never ask why i treated as my brother, your the person that i really cared about and your my only family left that truly accepts me.. i would never leave you crying without comforting you.."Rian smiled as he hugged Austin back "Thank you.." "No problem.."Austin muttered before both of them pulled away from the hug "Now how about we go and mess around with Michael?"Austin had a devilish grin, Rian shared the devilish grin back as both of them stood up and ran towards Michael's place to annoy the hell out of him

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