• Injured (FTO) •

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Ships:Seek x Colin
Series:FairyTail Origins
Requested by:3 people i think

3rd Person POV
Colin and Seek walked towards a village for a mission, But unlucky for them as they walked past a tree a male with blonde hair, green eyes and wore black with a black mask had sneak attack on them so now this leads us on both Seek and Colin fighting this dude, they were done fighting and the guy laid there lifeless

The thing that Colin didn't really notice was Seek, he was bleeding out from the guy's sword slashed towards his stomach "We did a great job, right Seek?"he turned towards Seek who was holding his chest, the gash was shown and it was a big gash.. it was deep too.. "Seek?!"Colin ran over to him which was right in time as Seek passed out

Colin panicked and ran towards the guild hall of Grimshade holding Seek in his arms tightly, he busted down the door which had caught everybody's attention in the guild hall including Michael "Michael! SEEK GOT INJURED BADLY!"he yelled out as Michael ran towards them and ran them to the infirmary, Mitch followed them as the others looked shock and confused on what was happening

Colin laid Seek on one of the beds "I'll deal with this alright? you two can go out, i'll make sure he'll be alright" Colin wanted to protest but Mitch tugged him and he sighed, he walked out but getting a second glimpse of Seek and made sure he was okay, Mitch and Colin walked outside where the others wouldn't really see them or hear them as Colin still looked panic as ever, Mitch looked around if anybody was there and looked towards Colin "Look, Colin calm down alright? he'll be fine its just a gash" Mitch tried calming down his younger brother

"But what if the gash gets infected?! what if Seek dies from blood loss?! what if SEEK DIES?!"Colin panicked as Mitch sighed, he was concerned but understanded Colin's feeling and situation since he had been through it "Colin, calm down deep breaths alright?"Colin took deep breaths which had slowly calmed him down but his mind was still thinking about Seek and if he's okay

Few hours of Colin finally calmed down but still panicked, Michael walked towards Colin "Seek's alright and just resting now, you can check up on him for awhile to see if he's going to be alright"He said and without a second thought Colin rushed towards Seek's room to see him lying on the bed and had bandages around his chest where the gash were

He took a sigh of relief and walked towards him, he noticed a chair and pulled it towards Seek's bed and put it beside the bed, Colin sat down and looked towards him, he decided to sleep on the chair to make sure no bad person snuck in and maybe come hurt Seek

~ Timeskip ~

Seek's eyes flutter open as he felt light headed, everything was blurry, he blinked over and over again until the blur was gone, he noticed Colin sitting on a chair and was playing with his sword "C..Colin?.."He somewhat stuttered, Colin immediately stopped playing with his sword and looked towards Seek to see him awake "Seek! Your awake!"Colin smiled as Seek nodded, he paused for a second before looking back at Colin "Soo.. what happened?.." "You got slashed on the chest by the guy we were fighting yesterday, luckily we won the fight but you passed out, Michael healed you and yeah, now your here"Colin explained

"Right.. and what are you doing here?" "I was uh.. just concerned?.."Colin didn't know what to answer "Oh alright.." "You need anything to eat or you just wanna rest?" "I could get something to eat?"Colin nodded and stood up before walking away

Seek waited for a bit and Colin walked back with some food, After Seek was done eating well Colin feeding him mostly because he couldn't really sit up straight since the gash was very deep that it hurts when he sits up, Colin was always there for Seek for the whole three days of Seek recovering since Michael kinda said that Seek's wound will heal for atleast a week

"Hey.. Colin?.."Colin looked at Seek with a hum in response "Hm?" "Why do you care for me?.. i mean.. im your best friend i know but.. why would you even stay here for atleast three days just to take care of me? don't you have some missions to do except for just taking care of me?.."Seek questioned, Colin was frozen and didn't really know what to say

"Uh.. well.."Colin stayed silent before he took a deep breath, he didn't wanna ruin both of they're friendship just because of him liking Seek.. meanwhile while Colin was picking up the courage to confess, Seek was patient and waited for Colin to answer

"Well.. uhh.. Promise me just one thing first before i say why alright?.."Seek nodded "Well.. do you promise that our friendship would still be the same after i tell you this?.. and you wouldn't hate me?.. "Why would i hate you?"Seek asked confused

"I.. you see Seek i.. Ireallylikeyou! butnotasjustfriendsbutasacrush!"(I really like you! but not as just friends but as a crush!) Colin said really fast,blushing furiously, Seek processed what came out of his mouth as he blushed a shade of pink "You.. Like me?.."Colin nodded embarrassed as Seek stayed silent before looking at him "You know i like you too right?.."Colin looked at him in suprise

"You.. like me back?.."Seek nodded smiling before Colin smiled and leaned in for a kiss, both of them kissed but not long just a quick sweet and soft kiss, after that both of them fell asleep since it was night time and if your wondering how the Dragon Slayers reacted to this well, there was quite a few death threats like pushing Seek in lava, burning him alive, burying him alive, poison in his food or drinks and many more, Colin of course stopped it since Seek was actually really scared but soon enough the Dragon Slayers were okay with they're relationship since Seek isn't doing anything that can break Colin's heart

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