• Request? •

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I am absolutely getting sooo boreeeddddd , Does anybody have any request that i can do? i have nothing to do almost everyday and my mind is wondering off into space somewhere not even giving me any ideas soo.. anybody have any request that i can do? i will only do it if you guys put an explanation but if you want me to freestyle it then sure but if i know much about the characters since yeah I haven't watch everybody's POV, Just keep in my mind the only people that i still haven't watched perspectives are Cal, Davis and Lychee so i will be very confused on what's going to happen if anybody puts a request that surrounds these three, mostly because i don't really know they're personality very much i think i got Lychee and Davis' personalities but not Cal's but if you can put a plotline it will be a great help anyways please put some requests since im getting bored now bye

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