• Im still here for you.. (SNO) •

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And im back with some more oneshots that kept flooding in my mind, can somebody please just give me a oneshot or idea i can do before i have more ideas going into my mind also this isn't the finale

Ships -  Austin and Rian having a sibling bond
Series - Supernatural Origins
Requested by - No one, Again -w-

Austin's POV
As i walked around the woods, i felt like i was being watched and look at that, i was right, i looked behind but before i could, i felt like something was lifting me off the ground and holding me by the neck"Hey! Let go!" i growled but they didn't let go, the person turned me towards them and.. it was the wild hunt.. oh shoot.. He was holding my sword meaning i couldn't really fight back "Uhhm... hi?.. you know you shouldn't do that-"i was cut off by the pain in my chest

I looked down to see my sword stab in my chest "I.." before i could say anything everything turned black..

Rian's POV
Me, Bri and Devin walked around the woods, you see Austin wandered around because he smell a lavander scent and we were curious so we followed him but the thing thing is we may have lost Austin so now we're just looking for him, Bri sighed "Where have he possibly have gone to?"she asked

"I don.."i was cut off by the sudden pain going into my chest, i clunched my chest as i hiss at the pain, Bri and Devin had noticed me and looked confused "What's wrong?"Devin asked, worry shown in his eyes as Bri nodded also having the same spark

I closed my eyes searching the soul link me and Austin had and.. i heard something breaking but it soon stopped, i opened my eyes again to be met by the devil himself, Michael but he had a look that can't be readable, whether he's feeling sad, worried or happy

The others have noticed Michael and looked at him "What are you doing here, Dad?"Devin asked "Im only here to say an announcement the other one is very bad and sad news for you but the other one isn't that sad its kinda good?"He pointed at me when he said 'you' which had caused three of us to get confused more "Bad news or good news first?" "Bad news"I answered as he nodded

"Have you heard something like breaking Rian?" he asked looking at me, now i have the attention "Uh.. yeah?" "Well that breaking sound was yours and Austin's soul, Austin's soul was pushing itself away from yours"now three of us got more and more confused "Why would Austin to that?"Bri asked

"Austin was not the one who did that but the soul itself luckily i had stopped this but.. Austin's part of the soul is half fixed and half broken" "Wait im confused what?!" "Okay, have you ever felt like something was stabbing you or something?"i nodded not sure if i should say yes

"Well that pain, that came from Austin that stabbing was Austin getting well.. stab.. that was a lure for Austin to go and smell the lavander scent and then while he's alone he was going to get attacked by the wild hunt..so right now Austin is.. dead?.."I froze at my spot looking at him, the others were frozen too hearing the news

"How do you know that?!"Bri asked/yelled "Well, i felt Austin going into my realm,i talked to him and he explained everything, if you don't believe me then follow me.."he flies away as me and the others followed

We landed into a clearing well.. yeah nevermind.. i walked towards.. Austin he had his own sword stabbed to his chest.. "This.. This is some sick prank isn't it?!"i asked/yelled not believing this.. Austin can't be dead.. no.. then how am i still alive?!

"Im afraid it isn't a prank.." "But.. How is Rian still alive if Austin's dead?!"Bri asked/yelled "And that's kinda.. the good news" we looked at him "What's the good news?.." Devin asked "The good news is Austin's soul is still alive keeping Rian alive, he's half dead and half alive, if he can he could show himself right now but only to Rian since both of them do share a soul"

"Wait are you saying that we can't see or hear Austin?!"Bri asked/yelled "Well, Kinda? Austin can speak through Rian if he wants, since he is well a spirit or a ghost he can maybe possess Rian?" "Are you saying that Austin can just possess me if he wants?" "Yeah that's kinda what im saying" "Im absolutely supposed to be sad about Austin's death but.. i feel like im much sad about how Austin can possess me"

Everybody looked at me "To be honest i can't blame you about that but.. wouldn't we not know if Austin is in control or something?"Bri asked "You will know from the eye color, Austin's eyes are glowing blue if he is in control and red if Rian's in control"

"Right.. now.. im going to go and commit murder for killing Austin.."i said pulling out my sword which the other stopped me "Nope, your going to die if you do that, Austin had already die and we can't loose you here!"Devin said "But I can't just let somebody go when they murdered my brother!" everybody now looked at me confused

"Wait he's your brother?"Bri asked "By bond, Austin is like a brother to me"i answered as they look at each feeling dumbfounded to not even know that "Right.. but.. when is Austin going to be here?"Bri asked "Next week basically so i hope you guys are okay with having no Austin for a week, bye!"Michael flew away as we just looked at where he once stood

"Wait.. NO AUSTIN FOR A WEEK?!" i asked/yelled as Bri sighed "Austin might be annoying but man this week is going to be full on boring.."Bri groaned as Devin sighed, we flew away back to Ashborne as i just waited for the week to pass by

• Three days later •

Rian's POV
I sighed i was leaning on the tree and.. its really boring.. no one to make any jokes, no one to have a play argument with, no one to treat as a brother.. yeah.. this week is absolutely the worst week for my whole entire life.. well except for my childhood.. i groaned "When is he going to be here? this is absolutely boring just waiting!"i said getting more and more bored every minute i sit here waiting for the day or week to just pass by

Bri walked up to me and sighed "Rian i know you miss Austin and all but.. you haven't gotten off the tree and you just lay there fiddling with your feathers, Austin wouldn't wanna see you like this come on you have to eat and go take care of yourself" "No"i groaned

"Rian come on"Bri growled at my childish act as i just rolled my eyes sitting at the tree still, she sighed absolutely not wanting to deal with this but in the corner of my eye i see something poking out.. it was like a panda hat? wait.. panda hat! i immediately looked over to my right side to see.. Austin as.. well.. a spirit or a ghost

"Austin?.."He looked up at me as Bri gave me a confused look "Oh hey Rian!"he smiled at me which made me confused "How?.." "Rian are you.. okay?.."i ignored Bri's question as i focus on Austin "If your wondering why im very early to come its because of.. wait..i don't know too to be honest?"he said, i wanted to hug him but couldn't knowing he was a spirit

"Rian.. are you okay or something? do i have to go and get Blythe to check on you?"Bri asked concerned as i looked at her and shook my head "Austin's here!"she looked at me confused before coming into a realization "Wait.. he is?! where and how is he here early?!"I nodded at the first question "I don't know how he is early and he said he doesn't know too"i said shrugging

"Wait doesn't that mean im just going to be the watch and just watch over all of you and not fight? wait I didn't agree with this!"Austin said as i chuckled "Yep it means that also your agreeing to it no matter what"Bri walked away letting me and Austin talk for a little and just joking around, we're all sad about how im the only one that can see Austin but atleast we can still talk to him.. kinda?..

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