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Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: Eli_FlyingDog
This is the 2nd part of 'Overprotective Parents'
The only reason i put this last was because- I don't know- Why did i?-

3rd Person POV
It was the time Plant could finally come out and Lucas and David were very happy to see they're child finally healed, David was still confused where Lucas got the blood from to heal Plant but he decided not to question it, They got out of the house shocking everybody who was around "Plant is back!"Blake smiled running towards the small family with the Diablos Twins coming along "Hey Blake" "Plant!" "Hey"Lucas, Plant and David greeted

"How have you two been? also is Plant alright?.. they have a bandage on.."Ritchie said looking at them in worry "Me and Lucas have been good and Plant is alright.. they just.. got hurt.."David mumbled the last part "What happened?"Blake asked in worry, Lucas sighed giving Plant to David "David can you take care of Plant today? I'll explain to them what happened.."David nodded before carrying Plant and walking away towards Kit and Mario

Lucas watched over them before looking back at the other three "Well.. I had woken up from hearing a loud bang on the wall and i saw Plant on the ground bleeding out.."Lucas explained "Bleeding out?!"The other three asked shocked, Lucas nodded "Plant almost died from blood loss luckily i used my magic to heal them.. Me and David still don't know who would bang Plant on the wall.."

"Wait wait wait! How did you heal a blood loss by your magic?"Ritchie asked "Yeah.. how did you do that?.."Blake asked "Well uhh.. I learned blood magic?.."Lucas said awkwardly, The twins eyes widened as Blake looked confused "When?"Ritchie asked "When i was in the book"Lucas shrugged "And you never said anything?"Ritchie growled "I mean..yeah?.. i just didn't thought it would be a big deal that's all?.."Lucas shrugged

(The only reason Brandon's not talking is because in the roleplay he only talks when its needed so he's going to be silent for awhile)

Ritchie sighed "Well do you any info about who might the person be?.." Brandon finally spoke up "Well.. i remember a presence infront of me when i was sleeping.. I also felt somebody.. trying to pick me up?.."Lucas said with a hint of confusion "You were getting kidnapped?!"Blake asked "It sounds like you were going to get kidnapped.."Ritchie mumbled

Now lets go time traveling for a bit shall we?

*Time:Before Plant got hurt*

In another place there sat Zaine sitting underneath a tree looking at the place where Devil's Tounge was supposed to be standing, Indolas walked towards him "What did you need?"He growled "Oh you finally came!"Indolas rolled his eyes as Zaine sighed "I need you to go kidnapped Lucas and bring him to me"Indolas looked confused before remembering what Zaine wanted in the meeting as he sighed "What's in it for me?"Indolas asked raising an eyebrow

"Hmm.. Money?.."Zaine didn't really thought of it since he always gets what he wants from threatening to kill the person but it wouldn't work on Indolas since he's like him "Money?.. Well.. I guess that's a good deal.. I'll get him but where do you want me to take him to you? if his 'boyfriend' and his guild looks for him then they will check this place first so.. where?"Zaine sighed

"At ****"Indolas nodded before running away towards Divinus Magia, Zaine smirked as he jumped up into the trees

...Anybody want a part 3?-

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