• Annoying God (FTO) •

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Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: Umbragryp
I don't know how to be annoying so i don't know how to do this-

3rd Person POV
Lucas sat infront of Plant playing with them as they laughed, for a few minutes of playing Lucas went silent which confused Plant "Plant?"They asked in a questionable tone, Lucas's eyes turned yellow as he blinked a few times and it was still yellow, Plant backed away "P.. Plant?.."Lucas looks towards Plant "Sorry Plant, I didn't mean to scare you, i Just changed my eyes since this was better" 'Lucas' 'apologized' the thing that stood out though was a small echo of a women in Lucas's voice making Plant scared as they ran away towards David

"Oh?.. That little fella is scared of me.. Sad.. i just wanna talk.."The echo got louder as he stood up and ran after Plant "Dad!"David who was talking to Ritchie and Brandon looked towards Plant who was getting followed by 'Lucas' ,Plant got picked up by David as Plant sat at his shoulder hugging David's head "Plant? What's wrong?"David asked "Plant!" "What?" 'Lucas' stopped running and stood infront of them

"Lucas, Why were you chasing Plant?"Ritchie asked "Me and Plant were just playing but they ran away from me.."The echo was still there and it creeped everybody who was in the exact same area as them "Oh god! Lucas what was that?!"David backed away as he picked Plant up and carried them like a baby "What was what?"Lucas smirked, The echo was getting louder and louder which confused them

"That echo of a girl!-"Brandon went silent realizing why he had an echo "Your.. Not Lucas?.."He asked with a hint of confusion, the others looked towards Brandon confused "What do you mean he isn't Lucas, Brother?"Ritchie asked "Your.. Lucas's God.." Lucas or Galrin grinned "Well guess you figured it out"They smirked

(Whenever Galrin is talking using Lucas's body i will be saying 'They' since they're both the opposite gender of each other)

"Wait.. So the seal broke?!"Ritchie and Brandon asked/yelled shocked "Of course it did!"Lucas/Galrin smirked "Is Lucas DEAD?!"Ritchie asked/yelled "Huh? Oh nope! Lucas is not dead, we're quite on the same page and we agree on stuff! He agreed with me taking control for abit, isn't that right David?"They said looking over at David as the others looked towards him

"Yeah uh.. She's right, Me and Lucas talked about it"He said "And you didn't care to tell us?!"Brandon asked "Well it was just yesterday"David shrugged as the twins sighed shaking they're heads "So.. Why are you even in control?"Ritchie raised an eyebrow at them "I don't know, i just wanted to!"They asked unsure of they're answer "Okay then let Lucas take control now"Brandon said "Yeah.. we need Lucas, we have some things to talk with him"Ritchie said as the others nodded

"Uh.. Yeahh that's the problem.. Lucas may or may not have passed out while i was taking control!.. hehe?.."Galrin/Lucas smiled awkwardly "Are you serious?"Ritchie asked "Yeahhh.." Brandon sighed "If Lucas wakes up let him take control alright?" Galrin nodded as the others walked away

I feel very bad for not doing the exact same thing as the request said.. Mostly because i don't know how to be annoying so i hope this works? sorry if it isn't what you wanted!

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