• A Sick Devil Slayer (FTO) •

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Ships: Lucas x Brandon and Michael x Ritchie
Series: FairyTail Origins
Requested by: Like 5 people? or was it 4? I don't know

3rd Person POV
Brandon woke up, he didn't wanna open his eyes but he needed to since he had to go to the guild, he sat up and felt light headed and sick, he groaned as he slowly got out of bed and walked towards the door holding the nob, he waited for a few seconds to focus on stuff as he was done he opened the door and the smell of pancakes came in

He had done his routine and walked downstairs to see Ritchie eating a stack of pancakes and there was a plate with a stack of pancaked too that he guessed was probably for him "Morning Brother! you had gotten up late, did you work all night?"Ritchie asked a hint of concern laced in his voice, Brandon shook his head but was clearly lying as he did work all night to sign some papers for somebody who had stripped like multiple times yesterday!

He sat down at the table next to his brother, Ritchie as the Lighting Devil Slayer looked at him, he had gotten more worried "Brother, you alright? you look.. sick?.." "Im fine Ritchie, im just.. tired today that's all"Brandon gave him a small smile as Ritchie just nodded going back to his food "Alright.. if you say so.." After a few minutes they had gotten to Divinus Magia and the whole chaos had stopped when they had came in

"Hi sirs!(This is what i heard Inmo called both Ritchie and Brandon so yeah- sorry if im wrong)"Inmo greeted "Morning Brandon and Ritchie!"Kit smiled "Hey"both Mario and David greeted before going back into they're argument "Hm? Oh hey Ritchie and Brandon"Lucas greeted with a smile as he continued drinking his water

"Morning everybody!" Ritchie summed up in a happy tone "Morning"There was a small voice crack in Brandon's voice but the others didn't really mind as if it was just nothing but Ritchie and Lucas looked concerned, everybody got back into what they were doing and Lucas walked up to the two Devil Slayers

"Brandon? are you.. alright? you look red.."Lucas asked as he put the back of his hand on Brandon's forehead before flinching and stepping back from how boiling hot he was "Brandon your boiling hot!" Ritchie looked shocked before looking at his brother "Im fine.. you don't have to worry about me"He said as both Lucas and Ritchie gave him an Overprotective look

"No! your not going anywhere except back to your bedroom mister, your clearly sick and need somebody to take care of you!"Ritchie took Brandon's arm and dragged him out of the guild hall "Lucas is in charge for the day! everybody better not blow the whole guild up or make any sounds that me and Brandon can hear from back to our house okay? if anybody does anything stupid then your going to play a much more extreme version of dodge the lighting bolt!"Ritchie growled before dragging his sick brother back to they're house

The whole guild members were silent and became careful on what will happen to not play the more extreme version of dodge the lighting bolt

~ Timeskip ~

Brandon was lying in his bedroom taking a rest as Ritchie was making some soup to atleast make Brandon a little better, once he was done he walked to Brandon's room and opened the door slowly to see him still taking a rest, he smiled before putting the soup on the bedside cabinet and he slowly shook Brandon to wake up careful to not make him more dizzy

"Brother? wake up i have soup for you"Ritchie said in a soft tone which Brandon and Michael were the only ones that could hear this tone of his voice, Brandon groaned before looking up at Ritchie and slowly sitting up "Thanks Ritchie.."Brandon smiled at him as Ritchie smiled "Call me when you need anything else alright?" Brandon nodded before taking a sip of the soul as Ritchie walked out

Once Brandon was done with his soup he put the bowl on the bedside cabinet and got back to his sleep, for a few days of Ritchie being stubborn to even let him out of the house, he had gotten a little bit better on how Lucas and Ritchie took care of him and Michael had to take a few visits to atleast make sure Ritchie isn't sick too

Once Brandon finally was able to go to the guild the two Devil Slayers walked towards the guild hall to see something they expected, David not having his shirt again, David noticed both of the guild leaders and looked around frantic for his shirt, "Looks like somebody is going to be my victim for the new more extreme dodge the lighting bolt"Ritchie smirked as everybody laughed, oh and what happened to David after that? lets just say Lucas and Mario had to heal David

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