• Redemption (OoO) •

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Ships:Hints of Inpu x Bryan(The first time i actually put an Inpu x Bryan chapter since i was used to Bryan x Mario-)
Series:Origins of Olympus Season 2 (This is the continuation of the Polynesian's ending)
Warnings:Mentions of Deaths(Don't wanna remember Bryan's death? then it's better if you actually don't read this-)

This is my Au also so don't come at me saying that im wrong-

Bryan's POV
I opened my eyes to be revealed in a room, unlike the white room where im supposed to spend my after life with Helios i was in a black room but not enough black where i couldn't see things around me since i do see somebody.. They had they're back turned againts me as they have.. purple like wings and magenta like hair.. My eyes widened realizing it was Rose.. i immediately backed away once he looked towards me

But at some point.. he didn't show any anger for his defeat and didn't show any hatred towards me.. he looked towards me with.. a guilty look on?.. he lowered his wings down folding it softly as i tilt my head in confusion "So.. your here.. I didn't thought Zeus nor Aphrodite would actually let me talk to you to be honest.."His voice seems different.. he still had my voice that has a hint of evilness but his voice didn't sound purely evil.. it also sounded like he felt sorry for something.. making me more confused than i already was

"You wanted to talk to me?.."I asked scared that he was acting and soon enough attack me since the Seductive Rose was still with him.. now thinking of it.. The Seductive Rose didn't show much aura's of evilness like it normally would.. it was just like a normal sword that wasn't corrupted by evil.. He took a minute to answer but gave a simple nod

"What do you wanna talk about?.."I asked again, he took a few steps forward towards me but I didn't back away for some reason.. like i was okay with his presence around me.. "I wanna talk to you about the Seductive Rose.. and.. Your sacrafice.."Now im getting more weirded out.. Is this Rose or is this somebody else? since he calls any sacrafice or anything to do with love 'Pathetic' or 'Stupid'

"Why do you wanna talk about it?.."I crossed my arms slightly feeling uncomfortable being stuck in a room with him wait.. am i stuck? "I.."He trailed off before letting out a sigh "I wasn't supposed to be made this way.. I wasn't supposed to feel sorry or guilty.. The Seductive Rose contained an Evil God.. a God that Zeus and Aphrodite hated.. They trapped him into the sword and basically.. you were the first to get the sword.. you were the main target of the Rose.. along with Mario.."I tilt my head in confusion

"I know you don't wanna be here any longer.. especially in a room with me so i'll explain quick.."I nodded, listening in "Aphrodite and Zeus knew the situation me and Discharge was stuck in.. actually.. Tainted and Brandeen too.. Me and Discharge were stuck being controlled by the sword.. we were a copy of both you and Mario basically.. we were meant to be your counterparts that will do the Rose's plans to take over the world.."

"But the plan basically failed as the sword was broken many of times and it was also not held by you or Mario that long to find any negativity.. The Rose makes counterparts by searching through negative energy as to why the Rose or Me took control at the ball since you were just full of hatred and jealousy.. The thing was.. Me and Discharge were lost and trapped in a void the whole entire time and the Rose lied to us.. He said that if we do his plans then.. we're going to be free from the void we were stuck in.. This was the void.."

"The plan was going 'great' but you sacraficed your life.. your friends helped you throughout things and the God basically got destroyed from it.. I wasn't destroyed nor am i dead.. im still alive but.. your not.. and i just wanna make a deal to make things right.."My eyes was wide the whole entire time listening to him explaining the whole story, Both Discharge and Rose were manipulated.. So.. We were killing the wrong enemy?..

"What's the deal?.."I asked pulling my hands freely as i unfolded my wings behind me "The deal is.. Me.. Discharge.. Aphrodite.. Zeus.. Apollo.. Hermes.. Athena and maybe even more.. will bring you back to life along with the innocents who died along the way.. including Austin.. Michael.. Ritchie and others.. For my part of the deal.. i.. don't really know.. the only thing i basically want is for the so called Bad Guys will be forgiven.. Some of them didn't want to be this way.. there's a meaning why they do such things.. there may be bad guys that's dead or suppressed but.. for those who are still there.. maybe give them a chance and get to know them better?.."

I stayed silent not knowing what to answer "I.. Don't know.."I didn't know what to say or if i should accept it.. the Rose had done many things including manipulating me, Mario, Discharge and Rose but.. I don't know if all these info is true.. I don't know who to trust anymore.. "Its.. Fine.. If you can't make the deal or you need more time but.. Im still doing me and Discharge's part of the deal since its kinda our faults the mess started.. we'll try fixing it.. Alright?.."

I looked towards him he still had a guilty and sorry look.. I couldn't answer so i just nodded, He smiled at me before everything turned black..

I opened my eyes to be met by my castle/summer house(He said it was a summer house.. right?) with.. Helios.. My eyes widened before twirling "Im back! Yes!!"Tears went down my face, I can finally see Inpu again! I flied up as i saw Kay, Mario, Xylo and Inpu talking in the open living room, I wasted no time as i flied towards Inpu hugging him

Inpu's POV
I felt somebody hug me from behind, Everybody looked at me with wide eyes before i noticed Kay holding back tears as Xylo and Mario looked shock, I looked behind to see.. Bryan.. "B..Bryan?.."He looked towards me with his teary eyes "H..Hey I..Inpu"He stuttered out, tears went down my cheeks as i hugged him "How?.."Kay muttered as Mario hugged her trying to to comfort her since she was already in tears

Bryan hugged all of us as we returned them too, He backed away from Kay since she was the last to hug as Kay and Bryan wiped they're tears with the tissue Xylo gave them"How.. Are you back?.."Xylo asked "Rose and Discharge.. And the others gods and goddess.. they revived me back.. along with the others.. Rose said Austin.. Ritchie.. Michael.. Seek.. and Colin.. were revived too.."Everybody's eyes widened "The Rose did it?.."Mario asked, everybody in the room was confused.. why did they revived them?..

"Rose and Discharge were being manipulated by the Rose.. I had just talked to Rose in a void and we made a deal but i still haven't agreed to it.. he did his part of the deal though.. to make up for both his and Discharge's mistakes.. and now.. here i am.."He cried, I walked over to him hugging him as everybody joined in the group hug comforting Bryan and Kay since Kay was crying again cause she couldn't resist it whenever she sees somebody cry especially when its someone who saved her life or special to her..


Anybody want me to make this a mini story?-
This whole chapter was supposed to be the full story but it only got a small piece of the story i was planning-

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