• Comfort and Jealousy (FTO) •

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Ships:Lucas x Kit
Series:FairyTail Origins Season 5
Warning:Mention of death(Tapio's)
Requested by:darklorsoftheships

3rd Person POV
Lucas hugged the fire mage that looks like hadn't slept for a long time, Kit got startled as she immediately looked behind her only to calm down knowing it was Lucas "O-Oh.. Hi Lucas!.."She tried her best to sound happy but didn't succeeded "Hey Kit"Lucas greeted before pulling away from the hug "H-Hi! What are you doing here?.. aren't you supposed to be with.. Plant and David?.."Her voice trailed off at the end mentioning both of them which made Lucas quite confused

Kit wouldn't admit it but Kit was jealous of David since he had been getting all of Lucas's attention and now both of them even have an adoptive child named Plant which made Kit's jealousy grew more "Well David is playing with Plant right now at his garden with Blake so they don't really need my help right now"Lucas smiled, Kit nodded "O-Oh alright then! what are you doing here though?.." "To check up on you of course! you've been pretty down after..you know.. Tapio.. and i wanted to check up on you and know how have you been doing"

"Im doing fine!.. well.. slightly fine..but nonetheless i've been quite fine!.. how about you though?.." "Oh! im doing well" Both of them sat in silence looking at the statue of Tapio infront of them, soon enough Kit finally decided to say something "Sooo.. do you have any feelings for David?.."The question caught Lucas off guard as his cheeks slightly turned pink causing Kit's jealousy to grow crazy

"Well.. not really.. kinda?.. I don't know.. i have feelings for two people and i don't understand it.."Lucas's answer got Kit confused and slightly jealous "Oh alright then.."Lucas answered with a hum and just like that they're stuck in another silence before Lucas was the one who broke it "Do you like Kay?.."He asked as Kit's cheeks turned pink "Well uhh.. kinda i guess?.. but i haven't heard of her since so i don't know.." and now again they were stuck in silence which Lucas soon decided to break with a pick up line

"Hey Kit, do you have a bandaid?"Kit looked towards him confused "No, why? did you get hurt?!"she asked in a panic which Lucas chuckled at "Not majorly but i did scrapped my knee falling for you"He smirked, Kit processed the words in her mind blushing "If i could rearrange the alphabet, i'd put 'U' and 'I' together"Lucas flirted "L-Lucas?.. are you okay?.."She asked

"Of course im fine! whenever im near you i always feel amazing"He flirted again causing Kit to blush furiously "Im calling the Protectors to put you in jail, because you have stolen my heart"Kit had enough and soon passed out having a red face, luckily Lucas caught her "Oh oops, i think i've gotten too far"Lucas laughed before making Kit lay on his lap as he hummed a song

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