• Halloween Party 2 (FTO) •

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Inmo x David won't be here anymore since i have no ideas for the ship

3rd Person POV
Mario leaned towards the stone wall eating some of the chocolate chip cookies which the chocolate were disguised as spiders that were made by Jakey and Kay. The Halloween party was doing fine except for an explosion caused by Inmo and Blake getting fought over by Mania and Kit

Davis noticed Mario as he excused himself from Flurry, walking towards the Cavern Dragon Slayer "Hey" Mario looked over at him "Oh hi there Davis"Mario smiled at him, Not even knowing if he can see "Enjoying the party so far?" Davis took a moment to answer Mario's question "Kinda? The Time Wizard and Fox girl are throwing cookies everywhere, there is an argument between two girls and there is a hole in the hole. Its pretty chaotic here" Davis shrugged

"Its pretty normal to be honest" Davis looked at him confused "Its normal?" Mario nodded "Yeah it pretty much is, Kay and Jakey always throws cookies everywhere and almost everyday, Inmo always blows up a hole and Blake always gets fought over by Mania and Kit"Mario said like its very normal

"Well that's something.."Davis leans on the stone pillar drinking a glass of red wine that has a candy eyeball in it, A silence grew between them which both of them didn't like. Mario decided to walk away but before he did, He walked towards Davis first kissing him and then walking away "Wha?-"Davis's eyes widened at the kiss, confused

In another area where Mania and Kit were fighting over Blake "Come on Mania! Just let go off her! She's my girlfriend!"Kit pulled Blake to her direction causing Blake to yelp in surprise "No! She's mine!"Mania shouted, pulling Blake to her direction getting the same reaction from Blake. Both of them fought for atleast 30 minutes before Blake decided to stop them "Girls!" She shouted getting both of they're attention

"I like both of you, alright?"Blake slid away from they're grips as both of them looked at her confused "Both of us? But you have to pick one!"Kit said in a questionable tone as Blake sighed "I like both of at the same time, I don't wanna see one of you sad because i pick the other"Blake kissed Kit before kissing Mania "There, Meet me at the fountain tommorow alright? three of us will have a date" Blake walked away leaving the two girls flustered and confused

Both of them looked at each other "Did she just?.."Kit couldn't finish her sentence "She asked out both on a date and kissed us!"Mania smiled brightly as both of the girls hugged each other, happy to finally go on a date with the girl they love and to not see one of them sad because of it

In another area of the Divinus Magia island, Zaine and Lucas were cuddling each other on the couch in Lucas's home, both of them were sleeping and enjoying each other's company and the silence around the place

But how did a Devil's Tounge member like Zaine be with a Divinus Magia member like Lucas? Well before they became a couple Zaine was assigned to spy on Divinus Magia and try unleashing the evil spirits in the Divinus Magia members but he failed and got caught, Divinus Magia gave him a chance to redeem himself and so he used it as an opportunity to continue spying on the guild but he and Lucas had gotten closer that Zaine's plan failed and he fell inlove and so did Lucas who didn't really thought he would be with somebody who's a former Devil's Tounge member

I guess love is love and you could fall inlove with somebody who's the exact opposite of you

Last chapter of this book-
Welp hope you had fun reading my oneshot book!
Im going to have to go and make my new and improved account now, the name would be 'Lunatic_3clipse' with a full name of 'Xx_LunarMoon_xX'
I'll meet you at my new account
Bye and Happy Halloween!~
(I don't even know if im late to say that because time goes different in my country and i also forgot what month Halloween is at ;-;)

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