• A Mission (OZ) •

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Sorry if some things aren't what you wanted it to be, i have only watched the Austin,Colin,Bri and Seek's perspective so this'll be quite a challenge but thank you for the background help, i really helped since i would get confused on how to do the oneshot if you didn't add that

Ships - None, Just some sweet moments with Nick and Ritchie
Requested by @IronTooth43

Nick's POV
Great.. Just great! im on a mission with Ritchie who had ate a brain! I really don't wanna deal with Ritchie's aftermath.. and you know what's more annoying? the brain Ritchie ate came from a person who's a teacher! and now he keeps spitting facts but i gotta admit its quite entertaining listening to him

"Did you know that school makes students dumber since many students when they have grown into adults they will forget about these things? oh and did you know that ants can take over the world because if ants gathered all together they weight more than humans and has the ability to even take over the earth?"He said

While both of us were just talking well Ritchie was talking, we heard a horde of zombies on our left side as i pulled my gun and pointed at the horde and man.. they are way too many.. Ritchie looked at them and pulled his gun out as we started shooting and backing away from the large horde of zombies

Both of us split up as i jumped up on to a street lamp keeping my balance while shooting the horde as Ritchie was on top of a tree shooting, and since im just standing in a street lamp it was really wabbly (Is that even a word?) mostly because of the zombies who's starting to climb up wait.. CLIMB UP?!

"Nick! WATCH OUT!" Ritchie yelled who was obviously way too late since i jumped up and ran around getting chased by the horde, Ritchie and I kept shooting the horde that was chasing me since when i jumped down the street lamp it caught the attention of the horde that was trying to get Ritchie

"OH JEEZ!"I fell to the ground since I wasn't watching where i was going and tripped on a tree trunk "NICK!" Ritchie yelled out as i was trying to stand up the horde was already covering me as i tried pushing them away but sadly couldn't since they were stronger when they help each other

Suddenly i hissed as i felt a scratch gash towards my stomach which felt like i was being stabbed and i think that was last thing i saw when everything turned black

Ritchie's POV
I jumped down the tree and shoot the horde, once i was done and they were all on the ground i saw Nick lying on the ground, my eyes widened in fear as i ran towards him making sure he wasn't infected or worse, dead!

Once i ran towards him i saw a big gash in his chest that looked like a zombie must've had scratched him "Nick wake up!" i shaked him but he still didn't woke up, i groaned as i picked him up and ran towards a nearby hospital which i had to make sure no zombies was in sight which there was but i killed them

I ran towards a room and laid them in the bed before rushing to the cabinets looking for bandages and to clean the wounds he had so it wouldn't get infected, once i was done dis infecting the wounds i sat down on the chair beside him and waited for him to wake up and guarded him from the zombies that kept coming in

As i killed another zombie i heard a groan beside me and i looked to my right to see Nick waking up "Oh finally, you woke up"i groaned as i sat down "Wh.."Once he tried sitting up he hissed in pain "Lay down, you had a big scratch from the zombies when you were surrounded by the horde, so you have to rest for a bit"I said helping him lay down

"Right.. uhh.. thanks.."he muttered the last part as i chuckled "Well i guess we'll be waiting here for quite a while, you should go sleep i'll keep guard so you won't get bit" "Don't you need to sleep?"He asked as i chuckled again "Im a half zombie, I don't really need to sleep" "Right.."He nodded as he faced away from me going back to his sleep as i kept watch for any zombies

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