• A Memory (FTO) •

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Ships:Kit x Kay
Series:FairyTail Origins
Requested by: LogiBear24
You didn't really tell me what you wanted the plot to be so i just made the plot myself

Kay's POV
I sat at my bed as i heard talking downstairs, Ughhh.. When will we finally go back? This place is gonna kill us! i snapped out of my thoughts as i heard knocking on the bedroom door, that's confusing since knowing Divinus Magia they will just barge in "Come in!"i yelled out as the door opened revealing a girl with blonde hair, brown eyes, brown vest(?) and has some kind of feather in her hair she was also around my height just atleast 1 or 3 inches taller

"Hi!"She greeted walking towards me as she smiled "Uh..Hi! Im Kay of the Protectors who are you?.." "Oh right, im Kit of Divinus Magia"she smiled "O-Oh! i first thought there was only boys in this guild hehe.."i awkwardly giggled "Oh its fine! You are kinda true though, im the only girl of Divinus Magia" "Oh you are?"she nodded as she stayed smiling, dangit Kay you just met her and your already falling inlove!

"Soo.. what brings you here?"i asked patting down beside me signaling for her to sit down and she nodded and sat down beside me "Well, i was just interested to meet the Protectors its all!" "Oh, well then what kind of mage or slayer are you?"i asked smiling at her "Oh im a fire mage! what about you?" "Im a takeover mage! wanna see me turn into a fox?"i asked jumping up "You can turn into a fox?!"she asked having stars in her eyes

I giggled "Yep! wanna see?" "Of course!" I closed my eyes and concentrated and i soon felt myself shifting down to a size of a fox, i opened my eyes to see only the floor now, i looked up at Kit who had stars in her eyes as i jumped up "See? hehe!" "Oh my atlantide your so adorable!!"she squeeled picking me up and putting me on her lap petting me

I can feel my face heating up fortunately im an orange fox so the blush wouldn't be too noticable! "Haha!! that tickles!!"she had scratched me on the stomach as i squirm in her lap laughing, she laughs as she kept tickling me behind my ears, neck or on my stomach 'Now i understand what Lo'pho feels' i thought


Kit's POV
I giggled remembering that.. that was actually the last time i've hanged out with Kay after the whole incident in Divinus Magia.. i looked around for a bit, everything was in complete shambles, bricks and woods on the ground and.. Tapio's grave.. tears streamed down my cheeks as i silently cried.. all of Divinus Magia guild members were at the boat sleeping since its night while i just decided to stay at Tapio's grave "Kit?.."i heard my name getting called out behind me, i looked behind to see Kay..

She was in a new outfit, she had her same brown hair and brown eyes which had a tiny bit of a flame color in them, she was in a dark gray uniform of some sorts and had a white long skirt along with her black leather boots "K..Kay?.."She looked at me confused before looking behind me, suprised and then got into a realization "He was your best friend huh?.."I nodded as i silently cried, she had a worried look on as she walked towards me and hugged me

"Hey.. You don't have to worry about it alright? Tapio is.. fine.. he's watching us in heaven.. he will forever stay with us no matter what the cause is and.. let it all out.. cry it all out.. your emotions can't be stuck in your heart since it will soon stab you like a knife.."I cried more on her shirt or uniform as it started to get wet from my tears

"I..Its just..Tapio was my best friend!.. First Bjorn!.. Second Brandon! we don't even know where he is!.. and now.. and now my Best Friend!.."I cried out "I know..its hard dealing with a loss especially if your guilds in shambles but.. keep your hopes up.. Brandon will be back.. we don't know when but he might still be alive.. Bjorn and Tapio? they are in the heavens now and is watching us.. they will be like a guardian angel to all of us.."She patted me on the back to try comforting me

I wiped my last remaining tears as i looked up, Kay still had that worried look on her face "Are.. you alright now?.."I nodded and hugged her "Thank you Kay.. i really appreciate you being there for me.." "Hehe!.. It's not worries!"She hugged me back and we soon let go of each other "So.. How did you get here?"i asked "Oh! I flied towards here! Mario came at our guild later and i heard that somebody had died so i wanted to make sure you were safe!"

"Oh.."she nodded "Well.. You should probably go back to your guild now, Lo'pho must be worried" "Oh no no! I told Lo'pho about this and he said it was fine visiting you! I was actually going to tell you something.."Is it just me or her cheeks turned slightly pink? "What are you going to tell me?"

"I.."She took a deep breath before continuing "When i first met you i already know that you were the one.. you were always so kind and generous towards me even if you act really sassy towards the others"My eyes widened in shock as my face started heating up "You might not accept my confession but atleast i'll try..Kit.. I..Love you.."She closed her eyes probably ready for the rejection to come in which never really came

"I..Kay i love you too.."I smiled, she looked at me suprised, i pulled her into a kiss and.. her lips tastes like cookies- i mean what did you expect?- ahem* her lips tasted like strawberries, we soon pulled away needing air to live as i looked at her "If you need me to be here for you then just send a fire spark towards the Protectors and i'll come alright?"she said smiling, i nodded and we soon watched the sun rise.."So.. Does this mean we are a couple now?.."she asked as i giggled "Of course silly, i mean.. if you want to be my girlfriend of course"

"Of course i want to be your girlfriend!"and that was the day my life turned bright even after the whole chaos that had happened in Divinus Magia..

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