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Can you guys choose on what idea i should do? i have like so many things going into my mind and i can't pick

1. FTO Mavid, this oneshot is going to be FTO Mavid but Mario gets a curse/disease but its not Hanahaki yet it had something to do with The Aphrodite Children

2.FTO Brother moment with Ritchie and Brandon, Brandon got sick yet still got to work but Ritchie dragged him back to they're house and took care of his brother as Lucas and Michael was visiting every now and then to see how Brandon was doing and to see if Ritchie was getting sick too

3.100 Baby Daycare Ari, A new girl had gotten a job in the daycare and for a few weeks of being there the others had been friends with her but she was getting closer and closer to Austin and flirted with him through text and even tried kissing him which Bri stopped and became a very over protective girlfriend

4.FTO Seeklin, Seek and Colin had gotten a mission and while being in that mission, Seek had gotten very injured and had a big gash in his stomach and the others put him in the infirmary and Colin was there for him the whole entire tike of him being in the infirmary, Seek asked him about it and Colin had confessed

5.Your Request, You can put a request if you want

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