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914 21 13

Series:Supernatural Origins
Requested by: Sofijka2

You know i LAVA some good brotherly bonding time!
Im sorry for that awful pun-

3rd Person POV
"Hey Brandon!"Lucas flied towards the kitchen where Brandon was drinking some toffee at "What?" Brandon asked looking at him continuing to drink his toffee "Im going to be going to the woods, i need to look for some herbs and i think.. nagical flowers? yeah those thingy's since Pat said he needed me to get some so i'll be gone for maybe an hour or so, so see ya!"Lucas flied outside of the door "Be careful!"Brandon yelled "I will!"Lucas shouted back

"You better"Brandon muttered before going back to his precious toffee, meanwhile with Lucas, He flied around the forest looking for the things he needed "Huh? What's that?"Lucas lowered down for a bit as a flower caught his attention "Is this what Pat was looking for?"He flied down to grab it before an arrow shot at him as he used his wings as a shield

"Get him!"A hunter yelled as Lucas flied up with arrows still getting shoot at him, he tried to fly even if his wings were injured, He fell on top of a tree as the only thing he heard was one of the hunters saying "Dammit! We lose him!"His wings folded from behind as one of his wings slowly turned red from the blood as he passed out from the dizziness

Brandon didn't know why but he had a gut feeling that he should check on Lucas and so he did finding him on top of a tree with his wings bleeding out "Lucas?!"He flied down checking his pulse to see if he was alive only calming down a little bit knowing he was breathing, He picked him up and flied back to the whale and going in Lucas's room laying Lucas down on the bed before slowly taking the arrow out and patching up the wound

On the next day, Lucas woke up right in time as the door opened revealing Brandon with a tray of food "Oh, your finally awake"He put the tray on the bedside table "Y..Yeah.. What happened?.."Lucas asked slowly sitting up stretching his wings but he soon screamed in pain as he folded his wings back "Your wings are injured by a bow, don't put too much pressure on your wings and yourself"Brandon said getting a chair and sitting down

"Huh?.. Wait.. Oh.."Lucas's tone faided remembering what happened "I told you to be careful"Brandon said looking at him "Y..Yeah.. Sorry.."Lucas apologizes as Brandon sighed before standing up and hugging him "Wha-" "Don't get yourself hurt the next time alright? I don't know what i'll do without you.."Brandon whispered the last part so Lucas couldn't hear unfortunately Lucas did hear some parts of it "I.. I won't.. also.. Can you repeat the last part?.. I didn't hear you.."He asked

"Huh? Oh uh.. That last part was nothing!.."Brandon pulled away from the hug "O-Oh, Alright anyways uh.. Thanks"Lucas smiled at him as Brandon nodded

So since i was stopping and checking some things out while making this, i stumbled upon a oneshot that has the same plot as mine so uh.. i hope i didn't copy? i didn't know im sorry-

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