• No more secrets! (OoO S2) •

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I just atleast want a happy ending for the Polynesian's! Its kinda obvious that Seek will die and i do not want a sad/bad ending so im going to go and put Austin and Bri back and try to make Seek and Colin stop fighting anyways hope you enjoy the chapter i made! -w- (Am i obsessed on putting that emoji on my text? yes i am) Sidenote: Yes,i am going on an order of making finales of series a good ending to atleast make some people happy from watching the bad/sad endings of the series
Series:Origins of Olympus S2
Warning:None but mentions of deaths

Austin's POV
I don't know why but i ran as fast i could towards the cave of the heart with Bri trailing behind me "Austin! Wait up! where are you going?!"She yelled out, i ignored her and ran in to the cave to see Colin and Seek with they're weapons out ready to fight, Bri stopped beside me noticing what they were going to do "Are they?.."I ran towards the middle when Seek was about to strike "STOP!"I yelled out causing all the attention to be on me

"Austin?..Bri?.. You two are alive?!.."Colin asked in pure shock, i looked towards Seek who was shock "Yes we are! why would you think we're dead?!"I asked "I.. I thought Seek killed you! he killed the mermaid and even tried killing me! well.. he already killed me.. but that's not the point! Seek didn't kill you?!" I was right.. I wasn't the only traitor.. i looked towards Seek who had a guilty look on

"You didn't mean to kill the mermaid and Colin did you?.."I asked slowly walking towards him, its easy to know how to read Seek's emotions from how me and Seek have a much more brotherly bond that him and Colin, its probably why Colin didn't see Seek acting weird while i did, he backed away as he looked at me with a scared look on, he's trying to look threatening..

"Seek.. Im not going to hurt you, alright? i just need you to speak the truth.. did you mean to kill the mermaid and Colin?"I looked over to see Bri and Colin looking at me in worry, they probably see Seek threatening and crazy right now.. "N..No.."he muttered surprising Bri and Colin but not me, i can understand where his killing habit came from, Love can drive you insane..

I sighed before pulling him into a hug surprising everybody in the cave, i can feel everybody's nervousness rise up especially Seek's "You may have killed two people but you regret it.. i was way too busy to not check on both of you, don't blame yourself for those killings cause it was half my fault too..actually.. it was three of our faults.. each of us didn't give each other enough attention and love that drove us insane, loving other people and meeting other people was fine but we didn't notice that we're giving others much attention than we give each other.. don't just blame yourself Seek..it was our faults.. you were left behind since we were all busy.."

Everybody was dead silent before Seek sobbed "I..Im so.. sorry! I didn't mean too!!"He cried out before hugging me tightly crying, i looked over to Colin and Bri who had guilty looks on, what i said was true.. Colin and Bri had been giving each other much more attention than they gave us, me and Seek always felt invisible from how much they always seem to care and love each other, not that im saying loving somebody is bad im just saying that both of them make us feel left out and invisible from how lovey dovey they are together

I was always so busy with helping Bri move on from Austin and was busy with being Camp Counselor of the Polynesian's that I didn't even notice the ignorance i gave the others and i was also a spy and a traitor for Kai, i had so much things to do i didn't even notice the pain Seekah felt from getting left out, Seek had gotten insane and killed two people because we were so ignorant to not notice how he was feeling, he may act childish but people sometimes pull this as a disguise to hide the pain they feel and Seek was one of those to pretend to be childish to atleast get the attention and not get ignored

Once the crying died down, Seek and I pulled away as Colin and Bri walked over to us, Seek went behind me scared that both of them would yell at him, i gave them a glare and let Seek hide behind me "We're not here to yell at you Seek we're just.. sorry for the ignorance we gave you.. we didn't notice.. i can understand why you killed the mermaid and even killed Colin.. we're sorry Seek.."Bri said, I looked behind to see what Seek's reaction was and he was shocked "We know sorry is not enough Seek.. but atleast give us a chance to say sorry.."Colin said

Seek came out of his hiding spot which was behind me "I forgive you.. It was kinda all our faults so every one of us deserves an apology and explanation.."Seek smiled which caused three of us to smile "No more secrets?"I asked "No more secrets"they said before we pulled each other into a hug

*Time skip brought to you by Plant*

Still Austin's POV
We sat at the couch and looked at each other "So.. who starts on saying they're secrets?.."Bri asked unsure "I guess me, we already know Seek's secrets and Colin doesn't look like he hides any right Colin and Seek?"both of them nodded and i could tell that they were telling the truth, now all attention was back at me now, well uhh.. how do i explain this?..

"I.. kinda am a traitor and a spy.."I admitted, everybody's reaction turned to surprise "Who are you a spy for?"Colin asked "Kai.. when i fought Kai, he wanted me to join him sooner or later i did join him and that's how i got my fire back although the plan failed since i helped Bri about something and i learned that i was being selfish for just joining him cause i was just jealous of Colin.. i guess me and Seek are kinda on the same page"I scratched the back of my head as i explained awkwardly

Everybody looked shocked but nodded at my explanation "Do you still work for him?"Bri asked "I still haven't told him yet but i of course will not work for him now, i just can't find him to be honest"Everybody nodded and all attention went to Bri "Well.. I let this girl that looked like me take control of my body, she said her name was Tainted Bri but rather be called Tainted, she pretended to be me and i somehow couldn't take back my control, when Austin pulled out.. Fred.. i remembered.. Austin..the Son of Apollo.."Her voice died down at the end as tears went down her cheeks

Everybody looked at her in concern "What happened to Austin?.."Seek asked "He.. died in the underworld.. he got his head cut off and that was all i know.. he was my ex but now realizing things.. he's still my boyfriend.. both of us never broke up.."She wiped her tears "He's probably in a better place now Bri.."Colin said trying to comfort her "He's still here Bri.. he just wants you to move on, he wants you to be happy, he's only here in the overworld to achieve his goal"I said holding out Fred to her which she took and hugged it tightly

"WE'RE SUFFOCATING!! DON'T KILL US!!"I looked over at my shoulder to see Austin panicked, he was still see through, everybody looked at me confused since i kinda let out a laugh "What's funny?"Seek asked, oh right i forgot im the only one that can see Austin "Nothing also Bri your kinda suffocating Austin and Fred right now"I chuckled

Bri looked confused before coming to a realization and let Fred and Austin 'breath' "Oops, also he's here?.."She asked with widened eyes looking around frantic, everybody looked confused "He's sitting right beside you right now just drinking milkshakes"I was right since Austin was literally drinking milkshakes "He's..He's drinking milkshakes?"Colin asked dumbfounded "Yep"I laughed

"You can kill a ghost?"Seek asked confused "WE MAY BE GHOST BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE DON'T FEEL PAIN!"Austin yelled out as i laughed "Yeah you can"everybody just looked confused before bursting on laughter on what is happening, our life is really confusing but atleast its fun!

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