• Picnic (FTO) •

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Ships:Lucas x David
Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: The_Munchi

3rd Person POV
Lucas and Plant sat at a picnic blanket having a small picnic before David came along "Hey"He greeted getting Lucas and Plant's attention "Dad!"Plant jumped out of they're seat running towards David "Hey David"Lucas greeted as David picked up Plant "Were you guys having a picnic without me?"David frowned as Lucas stood up walking towards them "Not really, we just couldn't find you anywhere"

"Well then the best Dad ever is finally here!"Plant giggled while Lucas sighed, David put Plant down as they sat at the picnic blanket with Lucas and David beside them

The picnic was going great til Plant tugged on David's coat "Dad!"David and Lucas looked towards Plant confused "Yes Plant?"Plant looked towards Lucas "Mom!"Plant smiled as David and Lucas looked at them with a shocked impression "W..What?" Lucas stuttered

"Mom! Dad! Plant! Family!"Plant smiled brightly as Lucas and David was frozen shocked "I..Im happy to say that im very proud of you Plant"David said as he wiped some happy tears that was going down his cheeks, David picked up Plant hugging them as Lucas joined in the group hug

Once they finally pulled out of the group hug, Lucas wiped the tears that was going down his cheeks "How about lets go get icecream to celebrate this?"David asked standing up and helping Lucas up, Plant was sitting on David's shoulder with a big smile plastered onto they're face

They got icecream and spent the rest of the day together as a family

I didn't have that much idea so its very short

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