• What got you to agree? (FTO) •

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Series:FairyTail Origins S4
Warning:Slight gore(Just wounds, no deaths)
Requested by:lucyrose943

There is some things that i changed so i hope you don't mind!

3rd Person POV
Ritchie sat at the docks watching the sun rise down, he was listening to Neptune ramble about how he should let him take control and many problems that Ritchie was technically facing and if Ritchie had to be honest Neptune's words are very tempting that he himself can't say no leading us to Ritchie going into his demonic self as Neptune's words finally let Ritchie agree which was a grave mistake as Ritchie or now Neptune stood up with an evil grin plastered onto his face and a dark evil aura surrounds him

"Ritchie?"He heard a familiar voice behind him, He turned around to be met by his twin with a worried and concerned face, Brandon backed away noticing Ritchie's demon form "Why are you in your Demon Form?.. the grand magic games are next week and its night outside for training.." Brandon was still backing away whenever 'Ritchie' walked towards him, 'Ritchie' didn't answer which Brandon already had an answer onto why Ritchie was acting this way

"So uh.. what did you say to get Ritchie to agree?.."He asked in a form of distraction as he got himself ready for an upcoming attack, when Neptune was about to answer Brandon strikes towards him, Luckily he dodged well barely dodge as his poncho had a small stitch from Brandon's sword "Already up for the fight? well this will be fun"Neptune grinned as he took out his sword and swung his sword at Brandon

Brandon dodged as a gust of wind sent Neptune flying towards a tree, he groaned as he stood up and ran towards Brandon attacking him again

The fight ended with both out of breath and with scratches all over they're bodies, Ritchie took this as an advantage of taking control and so he did but as soon as he took control he passed out, Brandon got alarmed with this and when Ritchie passed out he caught him, Brandon sighed as he looked at his passed out twin "I don't understand what Neptune even said to get you to agree.."He let the gust of wind pick him and Ritchie up towards they're house

Once both of the twins were in, Brandon laid him on the bed before walking to a cabinet where the first aid kit was hid, he walked over to his brother and patched up the wounds before his, once he was done he laid in the bed as he cuddled with Ritchie "Night, you chaotic lighting bean.."He whispered "Night to you too brother.."Ritchie and Brandon smiled as both of them fell asleep

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