• Meeting (Dream Team+FTO) •

563 16 2

Ships:Slight George x Dream and Skeppy x Bad
Series:FairyTail Origins+ The Dream Team+BadBoyHalo+Skeppy
Requested by: LogiBear24 and Thenight_fox

One more chapter after this and i am going to get bored-

3rd Person POV
Dream walked along the stone cobblestone path, trying to get himself used with the light and sun in the overworld, He was so used with the black night sky and mobs all around the place, He didn't feel familiar in the overworld where he was born

As he was busy thinking of stuff, He heard two people talk near the fountain, It was normal but the conversation they were talking about got him listening in, The two looked like a couple, The girl had pink hair, blue eyes, pink mask and wore leather pink and brown clothes the other one was a guy with black hair, blue eyes, brown panda hat and thief like clothes

"So.. Silver.. Do you know the new guilds here in Atlantide?.."The pink haired girl asked who is now known as Bri "No? I've quit as a guild leader so i don't know that much about the other new guilds.. The only guilds i know are The Protectors, Divinus Magia, Grimshade, The Garden and The Wandering Coins which are both disbanded"The black haired guy also known as Silver answered

"Well.. Whenever im near the guild called.. uh.. Dreamers i think? I feel a dragon slayer magic coming from there.."Bri said in a questionable tone as Silver raised an eyebrow at her "And? Dragon Slayers can be in every guild"Silver shrugged "No no.. Not like that.. I feel like there is a Dragon Slayer there is from a different place.. like a nether dragon slayer.. an overworld dragon slayer.. better yet.. an end dragon slayer.."Bri said thinking

"What's so special about an End Dragon Slayer?"Silver asked "End Dragon Slayer's are very rare because they can be also known as the end guardian which has a very big amount of power"Bri explained before somebody butted in "Well, Your right about that"Dream said walking over to them getting both of they're attention

"Uh.. Who are you?"Silver asked "Im Dream the Guild Leader of the Dreamers and is an End Dragon Slayer and guardian of the End"He introduced himself "That's why i felt an end power!.."Bri muttered "Well what are your names?"Dream asked "Im Silver former Guild Leader of the Wandering Coins"Silver introduced himself "And im Bri former Guild Leader of the Protectors and is the Queen of Dragons"Bri introduced herself

"Queen of Dragons?"Dream asked looking over at Bri "Yeah, Queen of Dragons"Bri nodded "Well guys, Im going to go and maybe steal some stuff? while you guys talk, See ya!"Silver dissapeared already once he finished his sentence "Wait, Steal?"Dream asked in a confused tone as Bri sighed "Don't mind it also since your a new Guild Leader, Want me to give you some basic info and advice about being a Guild Leader?"Bri asked looking at him as Dream nodded "Sure"

As this was happening in another place with George and Skeppy walking around Alantide they heard somebody "INMO! Will you stop exploding stuff! your going to hurt Plant if you keep doing this!"They heard a guy with black faded to white hair, blue eyes and also white long coat with blue tips yell at a guy with pink hair, some kind of cat ears and tail and also have an iron thing on his shoulder, right next to the black haired faded white guy there were a guy with reddish hair, blue eyes and wore white and blue kind of thing around his chest

He also held a small plant kid which Skeppy and George silently awed at to not get any attention, they walked towards them getting Lucas's and Plant's attention "Oh, Hi"Lucas greeted "Plant!"Plant smiled "Hi" "Hello!"Skeppy and George greeted in they're own ways as they caught the attention of the other two "Huh? Oh hi"David greeted "Hello!"Inmo jumped off the roof he was on top of and had a small bit of explosion when he landed getting Skeppy's attention

"Im Lucas apart of Divinus Magia" "Im David an Ice Devil Slayer of Divinus Magia!" "Inmo an explosive mage of Divinus Magia!" "Im George a Water mage and apart of the Dreamers"He introduced themselves "Im Skeppy a diamond and an explosion mage!" Skeppy smiled "And this is Plant who is our adoptive child"David said picking up Plant and introducing them

"Aww!"George and Skeppy awed "He's very cute, am i right?"David grinned "Are we not gonna talk about the problems that there is a new explosion mage who might be Inmo's new best friend and that would make the worst duo ever?-"Lucas asked "Oh right! An explosive mage!"Inmo said "Ooh! Since your an explosive mage too, Wanna explode something up?"Skeppy evilly grinned "Yeah! Lets go!"Inmo exploded away as Skeppy followed

"... Welp that isn't my problem!"David said walking away with Plant "Are you serious?!-"Lucas and George said at the same time but David already dissapeared with Plant, both of them sighed "Can you make sure they don't blow things that cost very expensive? i'll go look for David and Plant"Lucas looked over at George as George nodded "Yeah sure, lets just hope the whole island doesn't explode"He joked as Lucas laughed "See ya later George!" "See ya!"Lucas walked away as George walked to the direction Skeppy and Inmo went

Meanwhile with BadBoyHalo, He was starting to pick up an aura of some Devil Slayer's as he looked down trying to hide his face and any thing that stood out since Bad knows if he meets a Devil Slayer then there is so many question to answer and he is not in the mood for that but he was unlucky since three Devil Slayers felt an aura or a Demon's Devil Slayer making them more careful with the people they see and those people were David, Ritchie and Brandon

David had just dropped off Plant to Kit when he sensed the aura and immediately looked for the person but stumbled upon Ritchie and Brandon who were doing the same thing so they decided to look around for the Demon, Ritchie spot Bad immediately since his white eyes were glowing and it was a signal that it was a slayer or a demon and god

They walked towards him as the aura between them grew stronger and stronger, Bad looked behind to see the three walking towards him as hr stopped "Uh.. Hi?"Bad greeted in an awkward tone "Uhm.. Hello?"They greeted in the same awkward tone "Your Devil Slayer's aren't you?"Bad asked "Yeah and your a Demon?"Ritchie asked as Bad thinked before nodding "Indeed i am.."An awkward silence grew between four of them before David decided to break it

"So! Im David an Ice Devil Slayer , That is Ritchie a Lighting Devil Slayer and that is Brandon an Air Devil Slayer!"David introduced himself and the other two "Oh uhm.. Im BadBoyHalo but i'd rather be called Bad, Im a Light Demon"Bad introduced himself "Well nice to meet yo-"Ritchie's sentence got cut off with two people shouting each other's nicknames in a big surprise, Four of them knew they're voices and it was Sapnap and Lucas

Lucas was walking around looking for David while Sapnap was looking around for the aura of a God Slayer he was feeling and met face to face with Lucas, they recognized each other immediately causing them to shout each other's childhood nicknames "Raindrop?!" "Fireball?!"Both of them shouted in confusion and a big surprise

They hugged each other with the four watching "Huh?"David said in a confusing tone, they walked over to the two God Slayer's hugging "Uh.. Sapnap? You know him?"Bad asked, Sapnap and Lucas finally let go of the hug "Yeah! He's my childhood best friend!"Sapnap smiled "Wait what?" Four of them asked in confusion as Sapnap and Lucas laughed "Me and Sapnap were best friends before i became a Water God Slayer"Lucas explained causing Sapnap's eyes to widen

"A God Slayer?!"He yelled out a question as Lucas nodded "Im a Fire God Slayer!"Lucas's eyes widened "What?!" "Lets probably give them they're space to catch up with each other"Brandon said backing away from them and walking away with Bad, David and Ritchie following "Agreed"They said at the same time

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