• Who? (SNO) •

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Ships:Rian x Devin
Series:Supernatural Origins
Requested by:Sofijka2

I of course feel comfortable with this ship! This kinda made it into my OTP so im happy that there is a requested oneshot for this ship

3rd Person POV
As the moon shine bright in the night sky with the howling of Werewolves were heard, a flare of fire arises from Packhaven with a pink haired vampire, a half werewolf and phoenix, a hellhound werewolf and an incubus who is the son of the devil watched as the village burn to the ground with grins plastered onto they're faces, craziness showing in the eyes of the two werewolves

"Michael will be mad, you know?"Bri said, her smile dropping "Yeah yeah, and who cares? not like he can do anything to stop us"Rian rolled his eyes "But.. He'll be mad? He can kill us any second you know!"Devin tried to reason out "Im immortal, I can't be killed"Rian said "Your immortal but we aren't! we can die easily!"Bri growled before footsteps were heard

"Hide!.."Austin whispered as he took Bri by the hand and jumped up into a tree while Rian flied up dragging Devin and sat on top of a tree watching Packhaven werewolves run towards they're burning village "Those stupid mutants!"They heard the beta, Xylo complain before jumping up to the roof and try putting out the fire

"Ow! Ow ow!"They heard Bryan hiss and whimper in pain as his tail caught on fire before Xylo put out the fire by throwing water at him, Bri giggled at the scene "We should watch them often, its quite a good show"Bri whispered as Austin laughed "Definitely! they're funny when they're in pain"Austin whispered "It is, How about we go and show ourselves?"Rian asked looking over at the others "Lets do it"Austin smirked before both Rian and Austin jumped down the trees

Bri and Devin decided to not jump down and let Rian and Austin have they're fun as they watched them "Hey Packhaven"Rian greeted with a grin plastered onto his face as Packhaven werewolves looked at them Mario, Xylo, Relena and Bryan walked towards them "What are you doing here? And why did you set our village on fire?!"Xylo yelled out in an angry tone as Mario muttered something pushing Xylo back from attacking the two

Both of them laughed "If you want us to stop then you should probably have made your village more protected"Rian reasoned with them, Mario sighed "We could have done it but you burned the village earlier than we expected!"He yelled "That's not our problem now is it, 'Alpha'?" Austin smirked as Rian nodded "Whatever.. Shoo! Your not welcomed in Packhaven!"Xylo shouted

"Aww fine.. We just wanted to pay a little visit, Come on Austin"Rian said before both of them ran away to the forest with Devin and Bri following "Stupid Mutants.."Xylo growled before the four got back to trying to put out the fire in Packhaven

The True Alpha Pack went back to Ashborne "Im going to go and hunt for some food for us, see ya!"Austin waved before running out of Ashborne "Be careful!"Bri yelled "Im going to go and fix my guitar, the strings are kinda tied together, see ya!" Bri waved before turning into a bat and flying to her house leaving Devin and Rian alone

"What are we going to do now?"Rian asked, looking over at Devin "I don't know.."He mumbled, both of them sat in an awkward silence before Rian started to speak up "So.. Devin.. Do you have any interest in anybody?"Devin looked at him "Well uh.. Maybe?.."Rian couldn't help but feel jealous whoever this person is "Oh, is it Bri?"He asked, I mean Devin and Bri were kinda close so maybe its Bri?

Devin shook his head "Nope" "Oh uh.. Pierre?"Rian guessed again "Nope"Devin denies "Blythe?" "Nope" that answer made Rian slightly nervous to guess it was Austin, He didn't have the much confidence to think it was himself and the only person he could think of that is apart of they're team is Austin and he didn't want to guess it was Austin being afraid of him saying yes and since Austin was like a brother to him, he will feel betrayed but curiosity got the best of him so he asked

"Austin?.."He asked as Devin chuckled making Rian more nervous "Of course"Rian felt his heart crumble into pieces before Devin said something that got him confused and shocked him "Not" Devin continued "Wait.. What?? Then who? Is it Brandon? Lucas? Jackson? Mitch? Mario?-"He got cut off with Devin kissing him, Rian's eyes widened before kissing back

They pulled away needing air to breath to see Austin and Bri standing there watching them, Bri had a grin plastered onto her face while Austin was growling "Oh.. Devin Run-"Rian warned him but Austin already chased after him "I told you to only kiss him on the cheek!"Austin growled running after him as Devin screamed for help

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