• Double Date (FTO) •

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Ships:Kay x Viper/Mitch and bits of Jakey x Bryan
Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: Darklordoftheships
I couldn't tag you since i kept getting kicked out of the chapter if i do it

3rd Person POV
In a clearing spot near by a lake which had a table set up that had a very lovely couple sitting on Jakey and Bryan waited for Kay and his date that they still don't know who "Soo.. Who do you think Kay's date will be?"Jakey asked glancing over at his boyfriend who was lost in thought thinking of burning somebody to death *ahem* Alex *ahem* "Definitely not Viper or Alex that's for sure!"Bryan said not wanting to deal with his annoying older brother and the honey maker

"Hi guys! Hehe! Sorry we're late!"Kay sat down at her seat "Oh Kay there you are! w-where's your date?"Jakey asked "Come in!"Kay smiled as Viper or Mitch came out of a tree which suprised three of them "Are you serious?!"Bryan asked irritated "Hi to you too Bryan and Jakey"Viper greeted sitting down beside Kay "Hehe!"Kay giggled "K-Kay your on a date with h-him?!"Jakey asked as Kay nodded "Of course! he's my boyfriend after all!"Kay smiled brightly which caused Viper to smile at her happiness

"So you two are already together?! and you never care to tell us?!"Bryan asked "Yep! hehe!"Kay giggled again "Lets calm down and continue on our date shall we? don't wanna ruin me and Kay's special date"Viper said looking over at Kay who giggled, Bryan groaned as Jakey nodded

The date had finished and Jakey and Bryan were already away leaving both Kay and Viper "Its quite a bummer we didn't tell them about the fireflies dancing here in the night and its almost going night too!"Kay smiled "Yep"Viper nodded before standing up and taking Kay by her hand "Wanna dance, darling~? "Kay blushed at the nickname before nodding, Viper chuckled and both of them danced while the fireflies were dancing around them

Once the final move was done Viper pulled Kay in a sweet tender kiss which had causes Kay's face to turn very red and Jasper's face to scrunch up in disgust "Eww!!" Viper chuckled before both both Kay and Viper pulled away, he hugged her in a protective manner "Love you Cookie.." "Love you too Poison.."


I didn't really have much plans for this oneshot so i just ended it up with an I love you, So hope you enjoy this oneshot! and please give me some more oneshots/stories i can do, I'll be going to sleep sooner or later so for anybody who has anymore request just comment it (Since i already had done all of the request i had gotten -w-) and i'll do it once i see it! though please be pacific on what plot do you want, i can make my own plotline but tell me what plot do you want since i might accidentally wrote it the way you don't want it to be anyways see you on the next chapter!

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