• Reunited (FTO) •

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Ships:Bits of Michael x Ritchie and Silver/Austin x Bri/Dream
Series:FairyTail Origins Season 5
Requested by:Thenight_fox

3rd Person POV
Silver and Bri walked towards Divinus Magia looking around "Wow.. this place looks so new.."Bri said in amazement looking at the castle like guild "Yeah.. it very much so is.. after Brandon's dissaperance I didn't think Divinus Magia would expand.."Silver said before walking in along with Bri getting Blake's attention who walked towards them

"Hi! do you two need anything?"She asked politely "Actually.. yeah we do, we are here for somebody"Bri said "And who might that be?" "We're looking for Ritchie Diablos, Guild Leader of Divinus Magia and if they are here.. We're looking for Brandon and Michael too"This caused Blake to be confused 'Do they know them in the past?' she asked herself

"What are your names? Sorry, Divinus Magia is quite on edge right now so we have troubles letting people in"Bri and Silver nodded in understanding since both of them do look like spy's especially Silver "Im Bri or Dream, Former Guild leader of The Protectors" "Im Silver, Former Guild Leader of The Wandering Coins"Blake nodded "Oh! they are at the bar, come follow me"Silver and Bri nodded following her

Once they got closer to the bar they could hear talking "I didn't agree to be the 3rd wheel over here!"They heard Brandon yell, Blake had already walked away as Bri and Silver looked shock before Silver looked towards her "Stay here im going to sneak up on them"Bri looked at him with a 'Really?' face as Silver grinned under his mask slowly walking towards the three making no noise

He went behind Ritchie "Ritchie!"Ritchie yelped falling out of his seat surprised, Brandon and Michael jumped out of they're seats too ready to attack, Bri walked towards them laughing "Seriously?!"Ritchie stood up dusting off the dust on him as Silver and Bri laughed "Sorryyy"Silver 'apologized'

"When did you two come in?!"Michael asked "A few minutes ago"Bri answered, Brandon sighed "Did you two sneaked in?"He asked "Maybe, Maybe not"Silver grinned "No we didn't, We've met a new guildmate named Blake! she was a very nice girl"Bri said "Oh" "Now when was Brandon found?!"Silver asked pointing towards Brandon "I found him yesterday and brought him back"Ritchie said as the other two nodded

"Where was he?"Bri asked "I was possessed by Jupiter and Ritchie surpressed him leading us to right now"Brandon explained "Oh"The other three nodded "Anyways how has been life for you two? I didn't even realize The Wandering Coins was disbanded til i finally stopped drinking"Ritchie said awkwardly

"We've been fine, we have a place at Atlantide and i already expected you to not notice since The Wandering Coins was just a small guild"Silver said as the others nodded in agreement and now they were stuck in an awkward silence "Now what?"Michael asked "I don't know"Ritchie shrugged

Silver made a joke causing a whole conversation, its kinda funny how one joke can start a whole conversation anyways yeah this chapter is very short, I didn't really have much ideas on this one except for them catching up on each other's life so i hope you enjoy and yeah i put this in the 3rd person POV where im supposed to talk about the story, have anything to do about it? nope UwU

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