• Headcannon's, Theory's and Ideas •

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*Some things are apart of my Au*

Origins of Olympus

Daveed and Rose HATE each other, if you put them in a room together for just one second you will hear something in the room like a war is happening, nobody knows why they hate each other but Bryan said they hated each other because of Brandeen/E.Brandeen in other words they fight over him, they don't really care if they're dating another counterpart they will still fight over him

Rose and Discharge are like the brothers who annoy each other 24/7, they mostly see each other as brothers because they were made by the same sword/God

Tainted and Rose would hide somewhere dark when the sun is up since they don't like how bright it is

If nobody gets threatened, flirted on or made fun of by Rose and Tainted then they might be in a very bad mood or they are not in the mood since they are on a date or doing something else

S1 Austin and S2 Austin are like brothers that will annoy everybody often

S2 Austin and Kay have a small rivarly relationship since both of them sometimes say the same thing at the same time as each other making them get annoyed

S2 Austin and Kay will act formal and welcoming when a God, Goddess and a Demigod they don't know come to Camp Oasis/Moku since him and Kay have a challenge on who is the most favorite Camp Counselor by God's, Goddess and Demigods

Supernatural Origins

Rian and Austin gets mistaken as a couple especially by Pierre, Bryan and Lucas since three of them forget both of them are dating somebody else but some people like Xylo, Brandon, Rae, Colin and Jackson teases them about being a couple to see them get annoyed

Lucas is way too innocent and nice for his own good since the last time the vampires visited them, Jackson made an inaproppriate joke which Lucas didn't understand so he asked Brandon what it meant which surprised everybody except Brandon, Brandon said it was nothing so Lucas shrugged it off as Brandon gave the others a death glare which is now the reason why nobody even dare make an inaproppriate joke around Lucas (For some reason i love the idea of Lucas being innocent)

FairyTail Origins

*Theory* Is nobody going to think that maybe Bryan's dragon is the king or the prince? cause he acts like Natsu alot and Natsu's dragon is the king, he may have took Natsu's role plus Bryan's dragon never said his name so maybe its because he was apart of a royal family?

*Idea* I for some reason thought of an idea of FairyTail Origins characters meeting they're true selves or like meeting the people they seem familiar with or people who they took the role of from FairyTail like David meeting Gray and Bryan meeting Natsu, so the idea basically goes like this, if they meet they're 'true selves' which might be them from they're past lives then they might have the idea on who they're true love is or when they're time is up, nobody else can see them but the FTO character who took role of them (If anybody is interested on making a story/oneshot like this feel free to do it just tag me on the chapter please)

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