• Sleepover (FTO) •

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Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: KayBeeKrowns
I love this idea way too much that I don't even understand why i love it also I don't really have that much idea for this so expect this chapter to be short (If you have anymore ideas then i request saying it since i am very full on motivation right now that i will do your request today but if i do loose all my motivation then i'll do it tommorow no worries)

3rd Person POV
Kit and Blake were having a pillow fight at Blake's house as they laughed and enjoyed they're time, Once they were done pillow fighting Blake realized something "Wait.. Aren't we missing somebody?"She asked in a confused tone "No? we aren't.. we're the on- wait.. Lucas!" Kit's smile widened "You know what should we do?"Blake smirked, they looked at each other before running out of the house to Lucas's

They went in to see Lucas sleeping on the couch, it was the time where Plant was getting taken care of David so Plant wasn't there to stop they're plant, They picked up Lucas surprisingly he was slightly light, they ran back towards Blake's house with Lucas as they woke Lucas up "Wha.."Lucas backed away shocked to be in another house "Why am i in Blake's house?!" "Your invited to our sleep over!"Kit grinned "Sleep over?.. you girls said it was only for girls, why are you bring me into this?"Lucas raised an eyebrow

"Well.. It's also for the girl of the relationship! ahem* bottom(This only meant on being the shy one or the not so brave one as the other of the relationship not something sexual)"Blake grinned "I am NOT a bottom! I am even on a relationship with anybody!"Lucas reasoned out with them but Blake and Kit ain't having none of his complains so they pushed him towards the closet and gave him a little makeover

This makeover thing happened the whole night and Lucas was suffering but Lucas was lucky it weren't girlish outfits and actually fit a boy

(Yeah this was very short so sorry about that)

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