• Rap Battle! •

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Okay, I think everybody is noticing that some of these chapters just came from my mind i mostly just do this because nobody is literally requesting stuff so i just make random chapters and also this rap battle will have some things that i have in my Au so lets start!

OoO Bryan- Angel
OoO E.Bryan/SR- Rose
SNO Bryan- Pup
SNO E.Bryan- Wolfie(Yes he exist in my Au)
FTO Bryan- Flame
FTO F.Bryan- Error(If you know what F.Bryan looks like then you would know why Future Bryan is called Error)

Melody(Me):Epic Rap Battle's of Dimensions! On the right we have Supernatural Origins Bryan also known as Pup! and on the left we have Origins of Olympus Bryan also known as Angel! Begin!

Angel:Oh wait.. Do i know you? oh right your a Bryan that was forgotten by fans!
Im the protagonist of my dimension! i was loved and adored! unlike you who was only in 7 episodes!
'Im all fired up!' Do i remember that quote? oh wait its from Flame! The one who made that quote!
Wolfie wouldn't even exist if i didn't lend you my Rose!
Your a copy of dimensions! you took my fame but atleast i got it back!
You weren't even bata from the start! don't pretend you don't know, because we all know Xylo won the votes!
Oh im sorry did i hurt your feelings?
You could go now and cry with your pathetic werewolf friends!
cause we all know this Aphrodite's won this battle!

Pup:Tch.. Oh please don't pretend, i might've taken your rose but unlike you i got aware pretty fast and even stop the process the Seductive Rose done!
You took your sister's date and put him under a love spell!
You were so desperate that you cried for not being the king of the ball!
I might be forgotten but that doesn't mean i was an idiot!
Like, who would take a sword from a lady that they don't know?!
Discharge and Rose wouldn't even exist if you were not so stupid!
Oh and wait did i forgot that you stabbed your boyfriend along with the counselor of Camp Oasis?
now because of this nobody trust you!
Im still quite suprised how Mario spared your life!
Im sorry if i hurt your feelings but we all know that this bata is winning!

Angel:I might have started the mess but that doesn't mean i didn't end it! i died for my friends precious lives! i loved them with all my heart that i'll sacrafice my life! Oh and what did you do?
Oh right! you watched as your friends die one by one!

Pup:I might've watched they're deaths but that doesn't mean i didn't have a plan! both of us are in the same page and we all know that! I died from a magic spell to save they're lives! i might not be alive but atleast they're safe!

Melody:Who won? and who do you wanna see battle next? *Yeah i know how it doesn't sound like a rap but in my head it actually does-*

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