• Mission failed (FTO) •

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Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Warnings:Slight Gore
Requested by: KarlaMMelndezNergrn

How am i making oneshots early? because i was doing every homework at one time so i was here early and not at Saturday

(Tip for Homework:If you have homework just place everything around you and focus on one homework and if your mind switches answers and think of the other subject do the other one, do this on repeat and your homework will be done in a slight amount of time, This is what i've done and i actually did great but i don't know if this only works on me-)

3rd Person POV
Mania and Bryan walked around a forest listening to the beautiful sound of the bird's chirping as they looked around for any village ahead of them as it was they're mission to explore around and help people who is in trouble, They spot a flooded village "A flooded village.."Mania muttered "Must be a water mage or a water slayer.. Lets go!"Bryan said as he ran towards the village with Mania following who is jumping on to the trees

Both of them stopped running noticing the wet ground and the trees dripping down some water"Uhh.. Who's going first?"Bryan asked not wanting to walk in a flooded village since he hates water "Your apart of the Magic Counsel so you go first!"Mania said pushing Bryan forward, Bryan stumbled abit as he jumped at the water dripping on his head "Mania!"Bryan growled getting away from the tree, Mania giggled "Sorry Bryan"she giggled walking around the village with Bryan beside him

"Well look at what we have here.."They heard a voice behind them say, they turned around to be met by a 3 people, One was a boy who had dirty blonde hair, his face wasn't shown since it was covered by a black mask with red outlining a smiley face on it, he wore rip jeans and a slightly decayed green hoodie he held an axe and had a crossbow with arrows in a bag behind him

The other one had brown hair with googles which had a crack on it looking like it was broken resting on his head, he had blue eyes, he wore a slightly decayed blue t-shirt that had a white square design on it with red outlining it, he had gray pants and held an iron sword and also has bow and arrows behind him, The last guy had black hair, brown eyes, he had a white bandana and wore a slightly dacayed white shirt with a fire design on it, he had white and black long sleeves, black pants and held a diamond sword with some other weapons behind him, The three had crazy grins plastered onto they're faces

Mania backed away getting scared by the mask the blonde one was wearing "Are you three the ones who flooded this whole village?"Bryan growled stepping up as Mania went behind him still scared of the mask, the black haired guy chuckled "Of course we did, who else would do it?" "You know you can get in jailed for this!"Mania yelled before going behind Bryan again as Bryan sighed blocking her from them

The brown haired guy laughed "Oh? and who cares if we did go to jail? its not like you can do anything"He grinned, an arrow was shot towards Bryan luckily he dodged quick as Mania didn't know about it but got pulled by Bryan so she didn't get hit "Are you okay?"Bryan asked her as he looked towards the arrow looking back at Mania "Yeah, Thanks"Mania smiled before both of them looked at the top of the houses to see two people sitting there

One had black hair, blue eyes, he wore a blue beanie that had a derpy face on it, he wore a slightly decayed blue hoodie and black pants as he held a diamond sword the one beside him didn't look like a human and looked like a demon, He wore a black hoodie with red outlining it, he had horns coming out of his black hair, he had white glowing eyes and also held a bow, beside both of them were TNT

Mania noticed the demon like guy as he immediately ran behind Bryan hiding behind him scared, Bryan wouldn't admit but that guy looked scary, The masked guy, demon like guy and the brown haired guy shot arrows at them as the other two ran at them with they're diamond sword

Bryan and Mania tried dodging the attacks but it was way too much as Mania screamed in pain at the arrow that struck at her neck making it harder for her to breath as she fell to the ground on her knees hissing at the pain "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!"Bryan yelled as he dodged the slashes but missed one getting stab at his stomach as he held the wound hissing, both of them were outnumbered and were injured even if they could use they're powers

Bryan was about to scream another spell but noticed Mania gasping for air, Bryan's eyes widened before he got into his Dragon Force picking Mania up and flying away to the Protectors Guild leaving the 5 criminals

Bryan flied into the Protectors Guild slamming the doors open as he fell to the ground with Mania falling from his arms coughing and gasping for air, she was already coughing up blood and so was Bryan, he had forgotten his wound from his hurry so it got hurt while he was flying towards the Protectors, Lo'pho, Alex, Jakey and Kay noticed them as they rushed towards they're aid

"Bryan!"Jakey ran towards Bryan who was loosing his breath"Mania!"Kay rushed towards Mania covering the wound trying to stop the bleeding and also let Mania breath a little but she already passed "Pick her up! Lets go to the infirmary!"Lo'pho said as Alex picked Mania up as Jakey helped Bryan walk towards the Infirmary

Both of them laid at the Protectors Guild getting healed, Once Mania woke up from her 1 week nap at the infirmary, she slowly opened her eyes seeing Lo'pho, Jakey and Kay "G..Guys?.."Mania asked in a weak voice getting everybody's attention "Mania! your awake!"Kay said rushing towards her with the others following

"Y..Yeah.. What happened?.."She asked slowly turning her body towards the direction of the others "Well.. Bryan said both of you were in a mission together and you met 6 criminals, they outnumbered you and almost killed both of you.."Lo'pho mumbled "We.. Almost died?.."The three nodded sadly "O..Oh.. I see.."Mania mumbled

For a few weeks, Mania had been stuck in the infirmary and Bryan actually getting out of the infirmary since he said he'll be fine, when Mania could finally come out Bryan didn't let her take deadly missions and gave her C rank missions even if she was in S class, Bryan only gave her C rank missions since he didn't want her to get hurt and C rank missions were easy since it was baking and healing missions with no deadly stuff

Mania actually enjoyed C class missions and doing it with both Jakey and Kay since it was pretty fun, When somebody said to Mania to go and do some S class or A class missions they got hurt badly and got burnt wounds from Bryan so now everybody in the Protectors knows not to mess with Mania or you'll get hurt very badly

This is kinda not what the request was but I didn't really have any other ideas (I did but those ideas were kinda boring that this chapter will be short so i didn't do them) so sorry if this really isn't what you wanted

Also If you guess who the criminals are first in the comments then you can suggest a drawing you want me to do and i'll do it also i kinda changed some things about them but some things are kinda semi-cannon to fans so i guess that's okay anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and have a wonderful day, see you on the next chapter!

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