• Hold on (SNO) •

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A music chapter but the lyrics have some changes in it

Series:Supernatural Origins
Warnings:Gore and Death(Not really-)

The Lyrics is in this font
Happening right now is in this font
Memories is in this font

Loving and Fighting

"Im here Rian.. im here.." Austin hugged Rian in an attempt of comfort as Rian cried, he had a nightmare of his parents again..

"Your not like your father..your nothing like him"Rian sat infront of Austin in worry as Austin cried rambling because he was realizing he was being manipulative as his father..

Austin and Rian loved each other as brothers and would comfort each other when the other was panicking or having a break down, they always argue about stuff but those were all fun and games

Acussing, Denying

"Rian cheated! he was hiding outside of Ashborne when we were supposed to hide in Ashborne only!"Austin yelled as Rian followed him behind, they were playing hide and seek

"I wasn't cheating!"Rian denied "Yes you were!"They argued back and forth as Bri and Devin watched them shaking they're heads

They had a few agreements and disagreements but they still help each other no matter what

I can't imagine a world with you GONE..

"Your not going to ever leave me like my parents did.. right?.."Rian looked towards Austin beside him, it was the time where both of them was slowly starting to have a stronger bond

Austin went silent for a bit before nodding "I won't leave you.. i promise"He smiled as he hugged Rian which the other hugged back smiling finally finding a trustful and loyal person like him

As much as Rian dislikes Austin's annoying personality, he never wanted him gone since he was always the one who made Ashborne a bright place for them because Austin always breaks an awkward silence and he was also the family he ever wanted

The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of

Rian, Austin, Bri and Devin stood still infront of the burning PackHaven "Yep, you two are definitely Demons"Bri said as she looked behind her walking away with the others following

"Of course we are! you see how much fun burning and killing things is?!"Austin and Rian laughed, Bri sighed "I mean.. it is but.. Michael will be mad since he didn't want us to do anything to Packhaven.."Devin said

"Oh come on! it isn't our fault we're bloodthirsty!"Rian growled "Plus, What can he do to stop our fun?"He smirked, Bri and Devin sighed as they walked towards the direction of Ashborne as Austin and Rian followed having a grin on they're faces, happy that they finally caused some chaos

Both of them were bloodthirsty, power crazy and were chaotic, they were demons but they still care for they're pack even if they were insane

I'd be so lost if you left me ALONE..

Rian watched the blue sky getting dark as the only thing in his mind was 'You promised me..' Rian didn't felt the same way when he was at Ashborne which was relief but he felt lost.. like how he felt back then til he met Austin who brought light.. He felt like he was lost in a cycle where he had to watch the dearest person to him die..

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