• Poems for my love (FTO) •

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Ships:Bri x Silver/Austin
Series:FairyTail Origins Season 4
Requested by: darklordoftheships

3rd Person POV
Silver knocked on Bri's door before running out leaving a letter and flowers on her doorstep, Bri opened the door looking around for anybody, as she was about to close the door she noticed the flowers "Huh?"She walked towards the flowers and letter, picking it up before reading what was in the letter

"If you were my girlfriend, everyday i would say i love you.
If you were alone or sad, i will be the one to hug you.

You are beautiful in everyway
In my heart you will remain
For i have fallen inlove the first time
But to me, i feel like i have fallen a millionth of time
As your beauty makes me fall

I know i was never the type to express myself
And i know it may seem so soon
But your everything i want and i think im inlove with you

So i wrote this poem and i'll ask you again
Will you make my dream come true and go on a date?

If you say yes then go to the waterfall where first dates occured
If you say no then its okay.


Bri stared at the letter blushing 'I-Is this a prank?..' she thought to herself, she shook her head not believing Silver would do such thing, she picked up the flowers and went inside putting it on her desk before leaving the house to the waterfall

Meanwhile Silver was panicking not knowing whether she will say yes or say no, he looked pretty calm on the outside but he really wasn't, he sighed before seeing Bri walking towards the waterfall

He jumped out of his seat and walked towards her "Knew you won't say no! especially to me"Silver said with a smile under his mask, he was lying since he was having doubts in his mind "Uh huh, sure you didn't think i was going to say no anyways.. wow.. this place is actually very beautiful.. i saw a glimpse of this place but never really been here.."She said amazed as she looked around

Silver chuckled "Of course this place is beautiful, this place was a place for couples, it was rumored that if you go on a date, propose or confess to your love one they'll agree much like confessing under a Sakura Tree"Bri nodded "Now i understand why you wanted our date to be here"Bri said

"Well, i'll do anything to my power to make you say yes"Silver smirked under his mask "Quite an understandment since your you and you never give up on anything"Bri said walking over to a dinner table and sat there with Silver sitting on the seat infront of her

"I won't give up on anything especially on you" "Stop being cheesy!"Bri glared at him as Silver laughed "Alright! Alright!"Bri rolled her eyes

The date was pretty nice, they talked about some things while eating they're food Silver cooked for them, Bri was surprised the food wasn't burnt since she remembered Silver, Bryan and Kit once burnt the kitchen in The Protectors attempting to make Apple pie for Jakey, Kay and Bri

The date was about to end as the only thing they were going to do was watch the fireflies dance in the moonlight "Hey Love?"Bri looked towards him "Yeah?"She was used to him calling her 'love' so it wasn't new

"The skies may turn blue but i'll never stop loving you.
The stars may stop shining tommorow but i will never stop shielding you from sorrow.
The sun might stop shining one fine day but i will never let a day pass without giving you a kiss.

Bri.. i love you and i wish you love me too and if you do.. i ask you this.. Will you be my girlfriend?.."

Bri blushed, she was in utter shock in the first moment of meeting Silver and how he always messed around with her by flirting she thought it was all jokes and he was just messing with him but she now realized he was saying the truth "I.. I love you too.. and of course i will be your girlfriend"She smiled

Silver's eyes widened as Bri took that an advantage by taking off his mask and kissing him, Silver took a moment to progress what was happening before kissing back, it was a soft and tender kiss, they felt like the world around them didn't exist and time had stopped, they didn't want this magical moment to end but they needed air so they pulled away

They looked at each other in the eyes before a flash of light and a snap was heard, they looked towards the bush where the sound was and Ritchie, Brandon and Michael was there smirking at them, Ritchie was the one who snapped the picture "This is going into my Brilver book!"Ritchie laughed

"RITCHIE!"Silver and Bri blushed red "Can't catch me!!"Michael Shadow Traveled them to Divinus Magia as Silver and Bri was still blushing red, they looked at each other progressing what chaos just unfold "What just happened?"Silver asked confused, putting his mask back on"I.. Don't even know anymore.."Bri said still confused what just happened "We really do have crazy friends don't we Love?"Bri nodded in agreement as both of them said they're goodbye's and parted ways

Funfact:The poems was from google with a hint of changes since i can't make poems

And that's it for this chapter, anybody have any other oneshots/story's i could do? Feel free to request them since im kinda getting bored-

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