• Where is my coat?! (FTO) •

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This is what happens when i get corrupted by boredom -w-
Ships:Might be Lucas x David(Don't blame me for shipping these two cause seriously like- I feel like both of these two are trying to make people ship this and now here i am loving this ship more than Landon and Mavid-)
Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Takes place in:Before they got in Devil's Tounge and was asleep

David's POV
Where is- WHERE IS MY COAT?! I have been looking for my coat this whole time and I can't find it! nor can i find Lucas!- wait.. WHERE IS LUCAS?! I now stood up frantic, I swear if a Devil's Tongue member took him.. I shook that thought away and looked around, my eyes landed on a tree and somebody was leaning on it with MY coat! they looked like they were waiting for the sun to rise up, i walked over to him and soon noticed it was Lucas which is a big relief but the question is WHY DID HE TAKE MY COAT?!

"Why are you wearing my coat? and what are you doing here?"I asked as calmly as i can since the others are still sleeping, he noticed me and turned towards me"Oh hi David, i was just here since i couldn't sleep and i have your coat since its comfortable"He said snuggling into my coat aand I can't stand the cuteness somebody please help-

I sat down beside him and scoffed "Doesn't mean you can just take my coat!" "You keep giving this to me whenever your getting angry at somebody and now this is my revenge!"He pouted before burying his face more in my coat, i sighed 'I swear if he's not an angel in another demension then there's something wrong in this universe' i thought

(Better meet SNO Lucas then!)

"Fine you can keep it TIL we're going in the Dark Guild"I said as he smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder "Why did you even come to this spot?"i asked trying to strike up a conversation "This place is very calming, you can see the moon clearly over here and waves of rivers can make you sleep peacefully"He answered "I gotta admit, this place is very calming" he hummed an answer as we sat in comfortable silence

Soon enough i heard light snoring, i looked over at my shoulder to Lucas and he was indeed asleep, I put us in a more comfortable position where he's leaning on my lap while snuggled up with my coat, i leaned my head on the tree as i soon slowly drifted off to sleep

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