• Trapped (FTO) •

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I forgot all about this- Im sorry-

Ships:Lucas x David
Series:FairyTail Origins S5
Requested by: The_Munchi
Part: 3

Just because i love seeing somebody suffer and i think almost half of the earth's human's does(Don't even lie, Half of us laughs like a maniac when your favorite character gets hurt-) im going to be mixing both of them to make Lucas suffer more!- Raindrop im sorry-

Lucas's POV
I watched the stars shine bright in the black sky not even bothering that i was supposed to be protected right now and yes, protected, After Divinus Magia finally knew what happened they started to get more strict on me which means i can't go outside at night without somebody with me because im going to get kidnapped

But, it gets pretty boring and annoying when your watched almost the entire time! except doing private things of course, dirty sinner- so i escaped when im supposed to be asleep but who cares? im not a kid that they can control, i know they want to protect me but i want to do something free right now

Anyways as i watched the shining stars i heard some footsteps behind me, I looked around to see somebody with orange hair, brown eyes and is wearing some type of magenta costume? he also has a.. Devil's Tounge Guild Mark..

(I don't know why but.. Zaine reminds me of Rose(Seductive Rose) for some reason-)

I backed away "Uh.. Hi?.."I said in a questionable tone "Hello there~.."He said in a disturbing tone.. I regret ever escaping, Cal please rewind time- "What are you doing here?.."I asked getting ready to attack "Im here to get something.."He took a step forward towards me as i took a step back "Well uh.. What is this thing your looking for?.."I asked unsure of my question

He stopped, his grin got wider as once i blinked, black smoke was everywhere that i couldn't see anything "What the?!-"I choked on the smoke as i coughed, the smoke was making me dizzy every second, I fell to my knees "D-.. Dav-DAVID!-"I yelled out as the black smoke was finally gone but everything was so blurry to me and i already feel my eyelids closing

Before my eyes closed i saw the evil grin on that guy's face as i finally fell unconscious

Zaine's POV
Lucas laid unconscious as i grinned "Easy job.."I muttered before picking him up and running away to my base

David's POV
"DAVID!-"I flinched at the sudden scream "What the?.."My eyes widened soon realizing that was Lucas.. I jumped from my seat leaving Plant sleeping on the bed before i rushed outside to where the scream was "Lucas?!"I yelled out but there was no yell back

I noticed a black tube as i picked it up, it was a black smoke bomb and it was used for kidnapping.. i rushed towards Ritchie and Brandon's bedroom or office busting the door down "RITCHIE! BRANDON!"I yelled, I heard a loud thump as i saw Ritchie on the ground holding his head "David! Are you serious?!"He growled as he stood up, Brandon stood up and walked towards me with Ritchie following "What do you need David?"Brandon raised an eyebrow at me

"Lucas has been kidnapped!"I yelled out, They're eyes widened "What" Ritchie asked "I SAID Lucas has been kidnapped!"I yelled again "Do you know who did it?"Brandon asked and at some point, he is still calm "I don't know! but i know its that guy who hurt Plant!"They both looked at each other before looking towards me "Gather everybody."Ritchie demanded as i nodded rushing out and probably breaking the doors down in they're houses i mean.. if i can't have my open door policy then none of them can!


Lucas's POV
I groaned as i slowly opened my eyes "What.. Happened?.."I muttered as i looked around now noticing that i was in some kind of cell and my hands were chained to the ground, i got confused before remembering what happened, My eyes widened as i tried to stand up but failed landing on my butt, The same orange haired guy and probably a Devil's Tounge member showed up outside of the cell "You can try but you can't escape, Darling~.."He said in a seductive and raspy voice sending shivers down my spine

(My pet translates to my little darling so Zaine basically calls Lucas his darling and not something inaproppriate, dirty sinners-)

"What do you even need me here for?"I asked trying not to sound scared "For a reason.. now.. hold still so i can do something.."He opened the cell door as he walked towards me, i looked at him confused before everything suddenly went black

Zaine's POV
Lucas went silent before his eyes grew yellow "Well thank you for that, Zaine"He or now She grinned, I chuckled "Your welcome, Master Jupiter said that was my mission and i of course have to find a way to do it"I took off the chains from them "Well the mission isn't over yet we still have to get Jupiter free.."I nodded "Well i have a plan for that.."I grinned, They looks at me with a look of interest "Tell.."I smirked before explaining the whole plan

Wait for me to have ideas for part 4

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