• Not really that bad (OoO S2)

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Ships - Tainted Bri x Pele Austin
Series - Origins of Olympus S2
Requested by - @Vanessarr12

3rd Person POV
'Bri' followed annoyed, she only agreed because she was curious and.. the other reason? she doesn't know, that's why she had decided to follow him "What even is this potion? "she growled "Its not really a surprise if i told you" Austin shrugged

For a few minutes of walking around and talking for a bit, 'Bri' stayed silent for some odd reason she felt something.. something that still makes her follow Austin and have trust on him, is it curiosity? was her first thought was but no.. it was not curiosity she was very confused about this new found feeling and felt like she wants to keep the feeling..

Apart of her wants to but apart doesn't want to, Austin had noticed 'Bri' stopped as he looked at him concerned clearly showing in his eyes "Hey you alright? you just stopped talking for a second.."he asked raising one of his eyebrows

'Bri' looked up at him "Austin?.. Can i.. tell you something.. important?.."Austin looked more confused "Sure but what is this important thing that your boyfriend, Colin couldn't know?" 'Bri' growled at hearing the boyfriend part as she felt disgusted

She didn't really like Colin, well other her does but she doesn't really know why she saw something in him that made her fell in love with him "Well.. im.. not really Bri right now.."she muttered which the Son of Pele heard but wasn't suprised

"I expected you to actually say that because you've been acting pretty weird" Tainted looked up at him quite suprised "I was that obvious?"Austin nodded shrugging "Right.. but.. since i told you my little secret can you tell me yours?"Austin was frozen by that as he just stayed silent "I uh.. don't have any secrets"he lied

Tainted sensed the lie easily "Uh huh? your very nervous so you must have a secret that you haven't told anyone yet"Austin stayed silent looking away as Tainted sighed walking towards him

She turned his head over to him and made him look into her eyes which had caused him to blush madly at how closed they are "Look Austin, i love alright?.."she confessed before she could say something again, Austin had stopped her and pulled her into a kiss which had made her blush madly

He pulled away knowing they needed air "Love you too, shortie" he smirked at the last as Tainted became more and more flustered "A.. alright! let's just go and find out what potion you made alright?"she said changing the subject as Austin chuckled "Sure love whatever you say" he continued walking leaving Tainted still flustered

'Wait.. did i just fall in love?..'Tainted asked herself shock but shook her head to get that thought away and follow Austin 'Maybe falling inlove isn't that bad..'she thought to herself smiling

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