• A 'Bad' Day (OoO S2) •

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Gotta say i absolutely love and adore this ship in OoO S2(I love Jadeen too its just a multi shipper problem) especially after the tea party and im kinda sad that there's not many oneshots of these two evil beans so might aswell make one myself and also everything will be on bold now since i don't really like the normal one

Ships - E.Brandeen x S.Rose
Requested by - No one, i just wanted to make a Rosedeen oneshot

3rd Person POV
Rose flew down to a clearing part of the woods which was next to a lake as blood dripped into the clean water making it have a tint of red as he hissed, he brought up one of his wings to see an arrow stuck to it which was very deep "Stupid Xylo.." He muttered

You see he wanted to go and mess around with his old "friends" and he had stumbled upon Xylo which was a very bad mistake since Xylo wasn't playing around so he shot him with his bow until he finally hit him in the wings and just walked away not even caring

Rose of course fought back but stopped since his wings got injured and flew down into a clearing spot, he didn't have any bandages and just as the this day couldn't have gotten worse for Rose the arrow was poisonous and it was starting to spread through his whole entire right wing

He became very dizzy as he crawled up to a nearby tree "I can't just die like this.. this is freaking stupid.. ugh.."he groaned again as everything became a blur and he soon passed out

Meanwhile Brandeen was walking around just wanting fresh air away from everybody, he had been thinking about Rose after the whole tea party and didn't really know what that feeling was i mean he knows what love is but he never experienced it before so he doesn't really know what it felt like

His thoughts got interrupted by seeing purple wings laid across behind the tree and one of them had an arrow stuck to it, he was confused until his eyes widened remembering who's the only demigod that have purple wings.. Rose.. he ran towards the other side of the tree jumping over the wings and looked to see Rose passed out

He walked over to him and shaked him "Rose? hey Rose! wake up!" he shake him only to seen that he wasn't going to wake up, he ran over to the injured wing and looked at the arrow to identify what arrow it is, his eyes widened in shock and terror as it was a poisonous arrow and the infection and poison is much more faster and stronger if a powerful demigod were to be the one who owned it

He picked up Rose and immediately flew to his castle(Castle or just building?) he ran towards the infirmary (Does he even have one? I don't even know anymore, i only have watched Bryan's POV out of both of them so sorry if things are wrong) and laid him into the bed and got the needed items

After taking the arrow out and dis infecting the wound and has stop the poison from spreading and right now he let Rose rest a bit as he walked away

Tommorow morning Rose had woken up, he opened his eyes to be met by blurs around him, he blinked over and over again to see clearly as the blurs finally dissapeared he looked at where he was, he tried sitting up and after many failed attempts he had done it "Where am i?.."he asked looking around trying to remember where he was or recognize where he was

He soon got the hint of where he was 'Why am i at Brandeen's infirmary?.. h*ck why am i at his castle/building?..'he thought to himself as he snapped his attention to the door to see Brandeen "Your awake"he said as he walked towards him

"Yeah.. what happened?.."he asked clearly forgetting about what had happened yesterday "I don't know, i just saw you beneath a tree with one of your wings injured and has a poisonous arrow stuck to it, luckily i found you or you would've died so mind explaining how you got that arrow?"Rose looks confused before he remembered how

"I was just in a fight with Xylo, i was just trying to mess with him but that dude seriously doesn't look like he wants to play around so he shot me with a poisonous arrow and just walks away like nothing happened"Rose said clearly annoyed over the fact that he loose to The Son of Hades

"Uh huh.. So you just wanted to go and mess around?"Brandeen asked "Quite and ughh.. i definitely had a bad day yesterday and probably today is going to be a bad day too since i can't fly"Rose groaned as Brandeen frowned "You sure today is going to be a bad day?"

"Yep"Brandeen looked at him and stayed silent "Well how about i change that day quite a bit?"Rose raised an eyebrow at him clearly oblivious to what he meant "And how do you do that?" "By this"Brandeen leaned forward and kissed him

Rose's face turned a crimson red before kissing back, a few minutes of kissing they both pulled away since people somewhat needed air to live "Heh.. Didn't thought the Son of Ares would like a person like me"Rose said smirking as Brandeen shrugged

"Didn't know how either and hey Rose?" "Hm?" "Would you be my boyfriend?" "Of course!" for once Rose smiled but not his original evil smile but its an actual smile a genuine one which made Brandeen's heart flutter a little bit "Sometimes I don't even know how your evil.."he muttered as Rose giggled

Both of them spend the rest of the day by going on a date by just simply walking around and enjoying the nature with of course Brandeen helping Rose walk since the poison infected him quite a bit but they still enjoyed they're small little date


I actually like how this turned out for once i feel good about a chapter i made, anyways you can write down some request and i'll do it, see you in another chapter

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