• Blast to the past (Fnaf Kids) •

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Ships - None
Series - Fnaf Kids
Takes place in - After the finale of Season 2 like it takes places after the screen just turned black
Requested by - Nobody, man everybody has a name of nobody and no one

3rd Person POV
A portal had opened when the kids, Charlotte, Henry and GD(Gizzy's Dad) was talking, they soon stopped, looking towards the portal "What in the world is that?!"GD back away from the portal as the others did so "I don't know!"Kay said scared hiding behind Jon "I'll protect you!" "Bam! Bah! ah! bam!" Jon made noises of fighting and soon stopped and they stood there frozen

Two kids stood there well one was crounching and the other one landed on they're butt, the thing is both of these kids are Kay and Jon well.. Kay and Jon from the future to be more pacific, they looked around frantic to where they were, they're eyes met the others as they froze in shock "We're.." "Back in time.."Kay finished off Jon's sentence

"Who are you people?!"Gizzy asked/yelled backing away "Hey! uhh.. calm down! we uhh.. came from the future?.."Jon felt awkward saying that as the others looked confused "How is that even possible?!"Henry asked/yelled "Yeah! how is time traveling possible?!"Bryan agreed "Well uhh.. in the future there is kinda a portal?.."Kay didn't get too detailed on what she meant since she wouldn't really wanna mess with the timeline and so does Jon

"Wait.. If your from the future then who am i with?!"Jon hissed a question "Easy! Kay"Future Jon answered, that question was way too easy "Well uhh.. who was the evil scientist guy?!"Kay yelled out a question as F.Jon and F.Kay looked kinda confused since they don't remember very much "Uhh.. El-.. Elliott right?"F.Kay kinda asked

The others gasped and Gizzy jumped up "So you are from the future!" "Tell us about the future then!!" "Yeah!!" "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" the other three was just silent watching the chaos unfold as Future Kay and Jon kinda felt awkward answering those questions

"Uhh.. We can't really snitch on the future? there's a slight percent of chance that you guys will mess up the future and maybe change up some things"F.Jon said "Buutt!!! we wanna know the future!!"Kay whined as F.Jon suddenly frozed, his eyes became dull black as things started to glitch around him

The kids stopped and looked at them confused "What is happening to him?"Henry pointed out as F.Kay looked confused before looking towards him and her eyes widening in shock, Jon was replaced with a boy with brown hair and brown eyes with a white t-shirt covered up in his red hoodie or jacket and he was Bryan well Future Bryan

The others noticed him as Bryan and looked confused about it, did he just replace F.Jon "Bryan?"F.Kay asked looking towards his friend, the kids and the adults watched curiously on what will happen "Hey Kay so.. Your may be asking on why i turned the portal to sending you guys to the past"F.Kay nodded obviously confused "Well.. while everybody was still kinda asleep or turned off i got to portal and let it send you towards the past so both of you and Jon will be hiding in a safe place"

"Away from 'Master' i kinda am sacraficing myself and i might die later and join Gizzy in hell.. but its for the better the least"F.Bryan smiled softly before that smile became faint, the kids, adults and F.Kay was shocked "Bryan no.. we already lost Gizzy!"F.Kay said trying to stop her friend from doing what's dangerous

"Its fine, atleast if i were to die me and Gizzy would meet!"Bryan tried to hide the pain but somehow couldn't "So.. i want you and Jon to wait for HIM to show up in this timeline and then you can go to the portal, don't mess with the timeline alright? this has happened in the past before but of course we had forgotten about that.. but try your very best to not mess with the timeline"

" 'Master' needs me to get the information so i'll be going now, stay safe Kay and Jon"F.Bryan smiled before his eyes became dull and he began glitching again, F.Kay and the others were frozen in pure shock

"Wait.. what?!"GD asked/yelled obviously showing the hint that he was confused, F.Kay looked at them "Uhh.. don't mind that alright?.. don't mind those information that you had just caught up on.. we don't want to mess with the timeline but.. we have one question.."F.Kay said as the others processed to what she said and then nodded before looking at her "Go on"Gizzy said

"Well as you had heard Bryan, he said we can't go back to our original timeline.. so.. can we.. maybe.. stay here for a bit?.."F.Kay asked as F.Jon nodded in agreement, the kids and adults looked at each other before looking back at them "Of course! your welcome any time!"Kay smiled as both F.Kay and F.Jon smiled, they had wished they were happy like this back then but.. it was all gone and they couldn't change the past

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